

September 10, 2014

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I'm Hayley — helping moms do more in every aspect of their life. Mom of 3, entrepreneur, and homeschooler!

Meet Hayley


A few months back a friend recommended that I watch Hungry For Change on Netflix. I had already read half of the Wheat Belly book and was eating wheat free and incorporating more vegetables and protein into my diet little by little for about two months. I had a few breakdowns where I just NEEDED pasta or even a sandwich, but other than that I did pretty well. Ever since then, I have felt so much better on a day to day basis. After not eating wheat for over two months, I had more energy than ever, was able to concentrate better, and lost 13 pounds. I’m not quite where I want to be weight wise, but knowing that I finally understand what it takes to be healthy, I’m confident that I can get there easily. It’s a great way to shed those few extra pounds, but I don’t think a wheat-less diet is a lifestyle. I mean, you can definitely make it one, but it would be difficult living in this culture and doing so. Cutting out wheat (and all unhealthy carbs in general) really helps in losing some weight, but that wasn’t that main reason I lost weight. It tried to focus more on being an overall healthier person that would help internally, rather than counting calories and fat. I was able to create a sustainable healthy lifestyle by mainly eating foods that were grown from the earth (aka fruits and veggies) and cutting down my portion sizes and eating more frequently altogether. Here’s some tips and tricks that have helped me become a healthier person that I’ve found are really attainable:

1. Eat four times a day and drink (at least) one glass of water with each meal.

Breakfast Options I Eat:

1 cup of muesli, 1/2 cup of fruit, topped with raw honey and cinnamon for added flavor

1 piece of toast with peanut butter (organic, not Jiffy), 1/2 banana

2 hard boiled eggs (perfect if you’re in a rush!)

Occasionally: 1 english muffin “sandwich”-inside: cheddar cheese, over easy egg, 1 strip of turkey bacon, a slice of avocado, spinach

Lunch Options I Eat:

Kale/Romaine/Mixed Greens salad: caesar dressing(full fat: anything that says “lite” has artificial sweeteners in it), cherry tomatoes, cucumber, chicken/shrimp/steak

Lunch meat and cheese roll ups(5), small side salad

Turkey wrap: as shown in the video

Tuna sandwich- 1/2 can tuna, mayo, cucumber, tomatoes, pickle, pepper-on whole grain bread

Snack Options I Eat:

Cottage cheese(full fat), 1/2 cup fruit

Baby carrots and ranch

1/2 cup fruit, plain  yogurt(nonfat)

1 banana and a spoonful of peanut butter

Fruit bowl

Dinner Options I Eat:

Salmon/Hamburger Patty/ Chicken Patty, bed of vegetables (I purchased frozen veggies from Costco)

2-1/2 cups Gluten Free Pasta (bought at Mothers), chicken, regular pasta sauce(red)

Stir Fry: Throw in your frying pan- chicken, broccoli, kale, tomatoes, onion, bell pepper, shaved carrots, and add some Hoisin/teriyaki sauce(so bomb!)

Shish Kabobs: chicken, pineapple, bell pepper, onion, cherry tomatoes


2. Get at least eight hours of sleep.

This may seem irrelevant, but it takes energy to stay consistent with being healthy and that means meal preparation and a constant willingness to put forth the effort to live a healthier lifestyle.

3.Recognize the difference between physical hunger and emotional hunger.

Signs of Physical Hunger: Stop eating when you’re full, causes satisfaction not guilt, occurs at regular intervals

Signs of Emotional Hunger: Feels a sense of urgency, causes specific cravings (pizza, chocolate, fast food), feels uncomfortably full, leaves you in a mental fog (not wanting to get up and move/do anything)


4. Portion your meals and stay away from eating out:

What I’ve noticed is that most restaurants (at least in America) give you way more food than you should actually be eating. Making sure you have access to enough nutritional foods and less processed foods is key to having a full belly that won’t leave you feeling guilty. (Check out this chart)

Hope you all have a wonderful week and check out Part 1 to the Healthy, Happy, Hungry series about Fitness here!

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  1. Great post! Have you tried juicing fruits and veggies and incorporating that into your diet? I have so much energy when I do this. But, I really do need to cut back on my wheat intake. I just love spaghetti so much! xo, Jenny.


  2. Great post! Have you tried juicing fruits and veggies and incorporating that into your diet? I have so much energy when I do this. But, I really do need to cut back on my wheat intake. I just love spaghetti so much! xo, Jenny.


  3. Love this post! I eat wheat very rarely and I feel much better than when I ate carbs and gluten. Wishing you good luck on your journey!




  4. Love this post! I eat wheat very rarely and I feel much better than when I ate carbs and gluten. Wishing you good luck on your journey!




  5. I am also into nutrition documentaries and books, and I really think about what I eat. The funny thing is that my eating plan is so similar to yours! Considering that, I think that you will find helpful this top 10 healthy snack ideas that I usually eat: http://stylesprinter.com/top-10-coworker-friendly-snacks/


  6. I am also into nutrition documentaries and books, and I really think about what I eat. The funny thing is that my eating plan is so similar to yours! Considering that, I think that you will find helpful this top 10 healthy snack ideas that I usually eat: http://stylesprinter.com/top-10-coworker-friendly-snacks/


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