
Youtube vs. Blogging + Can You Make A Real Income?

January 11, 2018

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I'm Hayley — helping moms do more in every aspect of their life. Mom of 3, entrepreneur, and homeschooler!

Meet Hayley

Hi Friends!! Ever since I posted on Instastories answering a commonly asked question about my advice on whether or not to focus on Youtube or blogging, I’ve received a ton of emails asking similar things so I thought I would put it in a blog post for those who are interested. I’m going to be 100% real and give you my experience with both platforms (Youtube vs. blogging) along with an honest response to each question. I’m not sugar coating anything:) I wish I would have been told these answers years ago!

Dress c/o Pink Blush – They have the cutest picks for spring and winter! This dress also comes in a variety of other colors.

^Also, kill me now Doug made me take this pic for obvious reasons…

Question #1:

“I have a question for you because I don’t know who else I can ask and I trust your opinion. My husband and I are both teachers. I have a ten month old little boy and it kills me to be away from him. We’re on winter break right now and I’m dreading going back to work. My husband says if I could generate more revenue than I make now through YouTube or some other method then it would be feasible for me to stay home with him. I’d need to make somewhere between 45-60k a year. I have a family vlog channel and a lifestyle channel with minimal views and minimal subscribers. Do you think if I keep it up I would ever be able to make enough to be able to stay home with my kids? Sorry to bother you but I knew you could give me an honest answer and help me more to understand what I need to do. Also, an advice is appreciated.”


Hi friend! First off, I can’t imagine leaving my little one to go back to work. That would break my heart and you are one strong Momma! I want to help you as much as I can and my goal is to help as many Moms work for themselves so they don’t have to leave their babies so young. First off, you CAN do it. You must believe you can work for yourself in order for it to happen. Everyone in your life will tell you it’s not possible, that you can’t make a real income online, or that you’re crazy for pursuing your passion. Forget them!! I feel SOOO strongly about this. No one in my life believed I could make the kind of money I am making now (most people have no idea actually) so you can’t let their opinions of you hinder your motivation and drive because you’ll need every ounce of that to succeed! The answer to your question is 100% YES. You can make that amount of money each year, but it’s not going to come without years of hard work, constant obsession, and HUNGER. I know this sounds extreme, but this is the truth. Bloggers/vloggers make it seem SOOOO easy. Like they wake up each day, get ready, put on a cute outfit, and film their lives. No. Just no. What you don’t see are the hours poured behind a computer each night as their babies are asleep pitching to brands for sponsorships in the beginning, learning how to edit, researching the best SEO strategies/Youtube algorithm “hacks” (there aren’t any really), and honestly just the hustle and grind for sometimes years. Yes, there are those that make it in one year, but let me tell you, they are the 1%! The majority of us hustled our way to that kind of income. At this point in my blogging career, I make more than what you’ve mentioned above. I don’t say this to brag, but if I knew the potential 5 years ago, I would have worked that much harder. You DON’T need 1 million subscribers to bring in an income. You need loyal followers who will buy from your suggestions/personal brand, engage with you on all platforms, and follow you wherever you go. I also want to add that of course money isn’t everything. I truly love what I do. I’m obsessed!! I think about my brand constantly. It’s actually 11pm on a Wednesday as I’m writing this post with Annabelle sleeping next to me and Doug working in the kitchen on Belle & Baby. Trust me, if I didn’t love my job, I wouldn’t be pouring so much effort into it 7 days a week and into the night. You need to love it because it consumes your life. For some people that doesn’t sound appealing, but for me it’s absolutely the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. My job doesn’t feel like work and the opportunities are endless!

As far as making an income vlogging…this is another subject in itself. Vlogging is a lot harder to gain an audience in the beginning unless you are employing some serious clickbait strategies. I sometimes use clickbait, but I feel inauthentic doing it in every video. My biggest advice would be to somehow bring value to your subscribers. Do a mixture of value based videos (how to’s, guides, series, informational videos, etc.) and then also family vlogs. My biggest goal for this year for my brand is that I need to MAKE SEARCHABLE VIDEOS! It’s so easy to title a video “Baby’s First Bath!” and expect it to get 100000 views, but it won’t! Now, I could have spent that effort creating a series of videos on “How To Prepare For A New Baby” and gone into detail about ways to save for baby, nursery tour, big baby items you need, 10 things to do before your baby arrives, pregnancy essentials, etc. and it would have receives thousands more views than a series of family vlogs. This is just my experience:)

*A great resource are the Video Influencers. Literally all your Youtube questions on gaining an audience/starting a channel can be answered with their videos.

^See this post on what equipment I use for photography/videography/vlogging:)

Question #2:

“I need some help. For about a year now I’ve been toying with the idea of beginning a YouTube channel.
I want to be my own boss. I have an office job and hate it so much. I often go home crying because I just feel so restricted. All in all, I need your advice – how do I create a life off the internet. I want to work from home and I am willing to put the work in but I just don’t know how to go about it or where to begin.


Hi girl! First things first…you need to just DO IT!! Start a channel. Film a video with your phone. Edit using a free sketchy program. Upload to Youtube. Done and done. Trust me, you’ll thank me later! SOOOOO many girls email me asking where to start. The answer is, just start! I think people are so scared of getting criticized on Youtube, but I’m gonna be real…no one will watch your first 20 videos. Okay, maybe not no one, but you’ll probably only get 10 views and no comments. There’s nothing to be scared of if no one watches and that’s the honest truth! I also think people who watch bigger Youtubers complain about the hate they get online and get nervous about creating content, but that’s just because those people already have big channels! At first your videos will be a tiny spec in Youtube land and you won’t be as nervous to upload after you see that there’s nothing to be afraid of. That might sound negative, but it’s the truth and actually, it’s a good thing! You have time to perfect your editing, learn how to talk to a camera, and create a clear niche for yourself. This took me yearssss and I’m still just a small fish in a big ocean!

Now, the second part to this question. How to create an income on the internet? Well, that truly depends on your interests and it boils down to how real you want to get with yourself. Self awareness. It’s something I’m learning and I truly believe it’s a real skill. Since this discussion is in the realm of blogging vs. vlogging, I’ll stick to these two options. Ask yourself these two things:

  1. How willing are you to work for a life of semi-passive income, making your own schedule, being your own boss, and getting paid to talk about the things you want to talk about?
  2. Are you so completely uncomfortable in front of a camera that you think you could never warm up to it?

These two questions are the key to knowing which category you belong to. I ask these things first and foremost because in my opinion, blogging is saturated and hard to break into. I really don’t want to discourage any new bloggers out there because I had that dream for YEARS. I was addicted to becoming a blogger in college. If I had the self awareness to know that 1. I was crap at taking pictures and couldn’t afford the equipment and programs needed and 2. I couldn’t afford outfits to showcase! and 3. I actually liked being on camera (I’m a terrible writer), then I would be so much father along than where I am today. You really need to know where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Are you a great photographer? Do you have a strong voice and compelling ideas for a blog? Or are you just going to write a post about “5 Makeup Favorites” and expect random people to read it? (Not knocking you, I write those posts for fun;) Or are you going to post fashion photos shot in your street wearing clothes from TJ Max that you can’t earn commission on? I KNOW. I sound terrible writing this, but YOU GUYS I’m being REAL! I would tell my best friend these things and she would be better off for it! I wish someone had told me.

Now, if you are willing to research the best SEO methods, learn how to rank in search results for trending topics, be a boss on social media and take amazing pictures, then blog away!! Now, for my raw advice on which one I would do. Well, you already know my answer:) Youtube is the way! Youtube truly is amazing. It’s a “smaller” search engine than Google (which is where you’ll be fighting your way to the top of the search results for your blog post to get seen), it has much more interaction, and it is a lot easier to make a living in a much faster amount of time. Getting past the stage fright of being on camera is 100% doable and 100% worth it. How many times can I say 100% in this blog post? Probably a few more.

Question #3:

“My dream is to create a blog and youtube channel of mommy and lifestyle ideas.  I would also like to work with affiliates. As far as Youtube goes….how do you make partnerships with sponsors?  Do you make the first step or it’s because you have a lot of subscribers they contact you? For editing your videos would you recommend final cut pro or iMovie? On Instagram you have put #ad on some of your post, does that mean that it’s sponsored?”


I’m so excited that you are starting a brand of your own! I get this question a lot and even though it wasn’t asked here I want to say that it is NOT too late to break into Youtube or even blogging. I know I talked blogging down a bit in the question before, but if it is truly a passion of yours and you have unique ideas then you can do it 100%!;) To answer your questions:

  • How do I get sponsorships: In the very beginning when I had hardly anyone watching (ie: under 1,000 views per video), I would pitch to brands. If you aren’t a graphic designer, go on Ribbet, get a blank page started, and create an awesome looking media kit. Send it to shops online that are smaller in scale like you (ie: Etsy shops) and exchange product for high quality imagery (for blogs) or social posts and video (for Youtube videos). Then, build a portfolio of brands you’ve worked with to include in your media kit so when the day comes and you have a real paying sponsor, you can show them your past work. It also helps to understand the whole process. Currently, 90% of my sponsorships come directly to my email, but I’ve used these in the past to apply: Famebit, Grapevine, Shopstyle, Revfluence
  • For editing videos: I recommend whatever is easiest. The biggest hurdle in the beginning is just getting started! I use Final Cut Pro now, but it’s taken me years to switch from iMovie because I just got comfortable. I wish I would have learned how to better edit a long time ago!
  • #ad: Does it mean it’s sponsored? Yes! Check the FTC guidelines on how to tell if something is sponsored!

I get asked all the time so I’ll just briefly explain how vloggers/bloggers get paid:

  1. Sponsored videos or blog posts
  2. Sponsored social posts
  3. Affiliate links (i.e. ShopStyle/RewardStyle/Amazon Associates)
  4. Google Adsense or Banner ads on websites/blogs

Question #4:

“How I can optimize my social media accounts and go a little more in depth with how to improve my blogs and youtube videos? I appreciate all the videos that you put out and the video that actually caught my attention was the one on SEO.”


Definitely use this resource to find all your answers, but here are a few pointers I’ve learned along the way:

  • Improve your imagery on social media: This is a BIG one! I use presets in Lightroom and shoot almost every photo in Raw format on my DSLR. I’m not a pro at social media at all, but I did notice a huge spike in followers when I started to do this!
  • Improve Youtube videos:
    • Invest in good equipment. If you are serious about doing this as your business, you need to treat it like one. Don’t go half in. Go all the way! Good audio and lighting are key.
    • Have something compelling to talk about. Talk about what you’re actually passionate about. People will see straight through you if you are faking it. Trust me, I know:) Be engaging and lively! You’ll be awkward at first, but in no time you’ll feel comfortable in front of the camera once you have an audience to talk to. Even if that’s 10 people. Those 10 people matter!
    • Post REGULARLY. The Youtube algorithm favors posting at least twice a week. I know that seems like a lot, but you have to put in the work. If you are busy, batch produce content. Take a Saturday morning and film your two videos for the week to get it done.
      That’s all I have time for in today’s post (I have to get to sleep sometime;), but let me know if you want me to continue and if so, leave your questions down below in the next post! I’m really interested in starting a “Mom Boss” series on my channel talking about all the potential ways of making money online. Let me know if that’s something you’d like to see!:)

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  1. Tanya says:

    Hi Hayley!

    I enjoyed this post so much! I know I’ll be coming back to it time and time again for the good advice and links to resources. Can I play devil’s advocate for a second [and let me say straight out the gate that I am neither blogger nor vlogger so my question might be utter hogwash lol!]? You mentioned that if you had done searchable videos (How to prepare for a baby) instead of vlogs (Baby’s first bath) you would have had much higher views. Do you think you would still have cultivated such loyal and engaged viewers had you done that instead? I’m asking because I don’t have a baby so the how to’s wouldn’t have appealed to me. But I am nutso! About Annabelle so I watched the vlogs over and over. Always in the hopes of catching glimpses of the chariot too! So it feels more intimate than educational, if that makes sense? Do you have any thoughts on this? Feel free to let me know if this question makes no sense 🙂

    • Hayley Roderick says:

      Hi Tanya! You make a really really good point! You’re right, I do think the majority of my loyal followers are from the vlogs. Since this post was geared more towards creating an income online, I think you need a healthy balance of both:) Bringing value and sharing your life! xx Thank you so much for your comment!

    • Jackie says:

      Good question, great point!

  2. Jackie says:

    Yes ! Keep going!! You have my full attention and participation!

    Great job!

    I’ve been following you since 2016 and still haven’t committed to starting, but I feel closer each time I read a post/video/Snapchat/ instastory

    P.s I love you guys!


  3. Thank you so much for posting this Hayley! I think a “Mom Boss” series would be so perfect!

    I just recently started uploading to YouTube after seeing your instastory on it. It’s been scary, but exciting at the same time!

    One question I have though is how to deal with taxes when making money off of YouTube/Blogging. I know that’s kind of a big question, but I want to make sure if I do start making money off social media it won’t come back to bite me in the butt haha

    • Hayley Roderick says:

      How exciting! You would basically treat everything as income tax. Since I’m not an accountant, I can’t give you any real advice lol, but my biggest tip would be to hire a professional that can dictate how much money you should be saving for tax season:) That has helped me sooo much! xx

      • Bre says:

        Hi! Do you file taxes once a year or multiple times a year? I have heard you have to file quarterly, just wondering if that’s true or not?
        When you said you make more than the person asked about above, did you mean you make more blogging or was that a combo of YouTube and blogging? Thanks!!!

  4. Rachael says:

    Thank you so much for posting this!! It felt like hearing it straight from a friend! I have a YouTube channel that I have been back and forth for a year trying to get the courage to just do it and worrying so much about what people will think or if anyone would even care! Thanks for the boost of inspiration and for always being so real!!

  5. Jessica says:

    Ok this was AWESOME!! I only have like 2 seconds to comment before my baby starts crying, but here’s an Instagram-related question….I recently started on YouTube and am doing lots of research on creating a brand and such. However, my instagram is super ugly hahaha! I’ve never really cared much about it and really have only used it for personal memories. So…do I erase everything, and start from scratch? Or…should I just start a new account specifically for my channel and make it more professional for branding? I don’t have a ton of followers on my current channel..maybe 500? What do you think? Also, if you think I should keep my current account, should I change the name to match my channel name? Ok thanks, Hayley!!!! GREAT post!!!!!

  6. Daniela says:

    I am really really considering starting my own YouTube channel. However I am extremely reserved and the thought of putting my life out there makes me nervous. I am somewhat antisocial as well lol but I am struggling I want to stay home with my baby, he’s 6months and every morning I leave for work it gets harder and harder. He sometimes cries as I walk out the door and it breaks my heart! I need to do this. My husbands income is just not enough and that guilts him too because he knows how much I want to stay home with our lo. Doesn’t help that we live in San Diego so cost of living is ridiculous! Do you have any advice for someone who’s extremely reserved/shy/awkward?

  7. Natasha says:

    I’m not a mom and I’m not sure if working from home is 100% right for me, but I just want to say that it’s so kind of you to take the time to write out this advice. Even if it doesn’t apply to me I’d love to watch a Mom Boss series and you know everyone else would too! 🙂

  8. Hi Beautiful! I just found you on youtube, and I’m loving you channel and cute family!

  9. Thank you Hayley! Loved this post. I’ve been writing a blog for almost 5 years now. Been wanting to start a YouTube Chanel but I’m not 100% sure I should start with videos filmed with my phone. So it’s been quite the thinking process for years now.

  10. Megan says:

    I don’t know why but this post has made me very emotional. I dream of staying home with my 8 month old, but accepted that it is just not in the cards for me. This gives me some hope. Maybe this is just what I needed to get started. Thank you Hayley.

  11. Britney says:

    This is super helpful!!! I am 4 months pregnant and trying to find ways to work from home since I will need to care for our 1st baby in a few months. I would love to start my own youtube channel but my passion is animals. It is discouraging when everyone tells me it’s crazy and I’ll never make money online. It will take a lot of work but this post has helped me finally know where to begin starting a youtube channel of my 2 kitties. I love following your channel! Please continue posts like this… Your “Mom Boss” series sounds awesome! 🙂

  12. Sydny says:

    You’ve given me the inspiration to follow my dreams to make income at me! I’ve started a blog and working towards starting a YouTube channel very soon.
    So thankful for your authentic honesty and being such an awesome boss mommy!

  13. Hannah Smith says:

    Would you recommend going to a business account on instagram if you are trying to be seen?

  14. Gigi says:

    Thank you, thank you, & THANK YOU! You’re amazing and so inspiring! Loved this post.

  15. Alyse Sykes says:

    Yessss ? Thank you for being so open & honest in helping other mamas reach their goals. You have been a huge part of my inspiration for my brand. ? I would love to see a Mom Boss series!

  16. Lauren says:

    Hey Hayley!
    I have always appreciated how candidly you talk about these topics (that very few other bloggers/vloggers share about) and this post has been such a helpful insight into the world of blogging and what goes on behind the scenes.
    I’m at a stage where blogging and YouTube are very much still a hobby that I love, but the idea that maybe I could turn it into a little more someday is definitely starting to brew in my mind! As you said though, you need to really believe in it as everyone will say it’s impossible!
    Looking forward to more posts like this, and even though I’m not a Mum, I’d love to see some of the “‘Mum Boss” topics covered! (For one day… you know! 😉

    Lauren xx

  17. Erin says:

    I love this post but the again all of your posts are amazing! I would love more Mom boss posts. I am getting everything ready to vlog and make sure I can go full force in. I have also started my own online business. Posts like this are so motivating!

  18. I relate to this SO much! I’ve spent two years blogging and creating Instagram content with hardly any growth to speak of.. you are a HUGE reason behind me starting my mommy YouTube channel and although I’ve only made like 4 videos, I have never been happier! I feel like I’ve discovered my niche and I’ve loved following your advice and getting motivation from your posts such as these! THANK YOU! ❤️

  19. Cinthia Castro says:


    I have been following you since you were like 5 months pregnant or so.
    I have been thinking in starting my YouTube channel. I am a working mom and a full time student as well and I know many people like me but haven’t really found someone that I can relate to. Do not get me wrong, I love your channel and Annabelle is so cute! But life style is different (let’s start with the fact that I live in New York hahahaha weather is a bid difference) and this has motivated me to peruse that dream. I have a passion for beauty and now mommy things and I want to create a community with other moms.
    I love how honest and raw you are, I know you can not personally show everything but I like how honest you are. So far the only channel that I have seen that educates people on how to create an income online.
    I will also buy a cover for the car seat as warmer weather should be around the corner (let’s pray for a short winter) I love the patterns FYI.

    Much love and success

  20. Courtney McGarity says:

    Hey love! This post was so helpful! I’ve toyed with the idea of starting a YouTube channel or blog several times. I’ve actually blogged in the past just personally about mom stuff but before I felt like I really had my “voice” or niche. Now I feel more ready, but it is so hard for me to quit the voice that tells me “no one will care” or “you don’t have anything new (important or valuable) to say.” I’d love to see a mom boss series on how you found your niche and dealt with any insecurities! Also can’t believe you’re moving so soon! I’m in Savannah but have family in Charleston so I’m so down for a meet up!

  21. Brittany says:

    Hey girl,

    I’ve been obsessively following your YouTube for awhile now and have loved you since the beginning! I myself just started a blog not to long ago and this post was soooo insightful! Thank you for being upfront and honest; most bloggers/ youtubers who talk about the same topic and they sort of beat around the bush and then it’s pointless! I say go for the mom boss series I would loooove it!

    Ps I hope your move goes smoothly! ??
    Xoxo Brittany

  22. Jennifer says:

    This is such great information! I’ve been dabbling in the blogging world for almost a year now and just started using YouTube to supplement my blog. I’m working on a Disney World Christmas vacation series now documenting our trip in December. I had put up a video on YT of us suprising my niece and nephews telling them they were going to Disney and it got lots of views. It’s currently at 4,000 views which is crazy for me to even think about since I haven’t really done anything with my channel. It’s really made me want to start doing more with YT. I’m hoping that you will do another post with more advice/information. I’ve done LOTS of research over the past 6 months and not many bloggers/vloggers tell the truth about how to start, what to expect, and how to go about actually making an income from it. I really appreciate you being so open and honest about it.

    I hope your move goes smoothly! Welcome to the South!

  23. Dream Rodrigues says:

    Thank you so much for this post. I just started my YouTube channel a week ago after years of wondering should I. You are so right just do it! I got my first few messages today stating how my video was so helpful to them. I have a group of videos talking about my infertility journey. It made me feel amazing. Thank you for the amazing tips. I will for sure go check out your suggestions. Also I would love a mom boss series.

  24. Grace says:

    Thank you so much for this Hayley.

  25. Great post Hayley! And a Boss Mom series? Yes yes yes yes!!!
    I have the great chance of being able to work part time. I work shifts as well which, believe it or not means I get to spend a lot more time with my children which, of course, I love ❤️ .
    I’m not looking to make a full-time income on the Internet but I would love to make a bit more extra cash for savings and paying off my stupid student loan. I’ve been thinking about blogging for 5 to 6 years now, Ha ha ha, it’s been that long, I will never get around to it. And I don’t think I’d have a passion and drive for YouTube, plus I’m just not that pretty.

  26. Jen says:

    Ah! You’re bomb.

    I’ve been subscribed to your youtube channel since you were pregnant with baby, but I became a loyal “follower” (lol why do I feel like an idol worshipper saying that!? bahaha) since you became a mama–youtube, instagram, blog, and facebook group–the whole shebang. Giiirl! Your honesty and passion for being a “Mom Boss” is Encouraging! Capital E!

    I became a wife in 2014 and the next year a mom to one. I worked the first year and then became a stay at home mom because even though we need the money and it makes sense for me to continue working even if that means leave my kid (now plural–2) with my mom who lives on the same island as me–GIRL. 1. The idea of having “sessy time” and making someone else pay for it is personally (& with a good helping of humor) apalling; 2. God said children are a gift and a mother’s responsibility. We only get them for 18 years if even that. The time to set up lifetime habits are the first 6 years, the time to set life-altering examples in how-to-be-a-human is for as long as I’m over them (again 18 yrs more or less), and the time for me to grow maturely enough not to be an idiot and foster a well-rounded, loving relationship for my kids to like me when they’re adults is gonna take MY WHOLE LIFE (lol my OCD tendencies and Martha-like ways, girl. SMH); and 3. In all seriousness, even if I have debt up to my head and it’ll take me long years to pay it off–that debt is by far lesser in priority than raising a human being that will either confidently (and decently so) shape the world or wreck havoc either purposefully so or in their apathy for life, God, and morality.

    Anyway. Your Mom Boss series–girl, DO IT! I’ve BEEN playing with the idea of youtube or blogging for a long time (leaning more toward youtube) but don’t know which angle I want to stab at. My husband suggested some ideas (which literally cracks my face in a smile because my husband is a total man about those kind of things, ie. “oh…you’re a blogger? [eyes glaze over in boredom while politely listening to a couple sentences before executing an excuse to leave]” Did I say I appreciate my man!? Cause I Do! haha.

    Anyway, you’re encouraging and you’re giving me real reasons to either go with this angle of a dream of a dream or not. I appreciate you!

  27. Sara says:

    Thank You for sharing Hayley. I recently started my channel and was great the first week. I posted 4 videos and was on a roll. Then the flu hit and I was only able to get one video out this week. Ugh. I know consistency is key but it’s hard to film when you’re under the weather. I am definitely going to work on building up my content and having content prerecorded to upload especially when sickness hits. I hated to see the hiccup this week.

    Thank You for sharing the YouTube vs Blog. Everyone says to start a blog and own your own platform etc but it’s not for everyone. I’m not a strong writer and would much rather talk. All of the big bloggers made me feel like I was doing something wrong by not having written content. So thank you for telling me it’s okay to just vlog. ☺

  28. Angela Grace says:

    I Love love love this!!!!! I don’t know if it’s just my tags or titles or thumbnails haha but I feel like I put real good ones up and get 0 views. My videos go no where at all, and I don’t know why. I’ve watched lots of the you tube videos about “how to get views ect.” But it’s not working. I guess my question is….did you ever post your videos to like Reddit or any other sites? I’ve posted on my FB,snap,& Insta, and then get discouraged when my friends and family don’t even watch…and I think my videos are great haha so idk! I think I don’t understand what tags to use because yea … I think only my family watches lol! Thanks for this post!

    -Angela Grace

  29. Hope says:

    You always give the best advice! I do most of my work on YouTube, and I’m almost at 10K subs. My goal this year is to post way more than I do already, and do more with my blog I relaunched a few months back! It’s a lot of work, but I love it! You’re such an inspiration!

    Hope // Miss Hope Elizabeth

  30. Heather DePinho says:

    Hi! I just discovered your blog and youtube channel and find your content to be so helpful! I’ve considered starting a blog for years really just as a way for me to express myself creatively and I am wondering if you purchased your own domain for your website when your first started your blog. Thank you for being so open.

  31. Anastasia says:

    The mom boss idea sounds awesome, do it please! 🙂

  32. Debra says:

    I would LOVE to see a “mom boss” series! One question I have is how you figure out what topics to talk about since it’s a lifestyle channel, and how long it takes you to edit. I’d also love to see how you use Lightroom. I’m so intimidated by Photoshop and Lightroom. Thanks!

  33. sanatan says:

    Best way to make money online is both

  34. Camille says:

    This is a great collection of information. Thanks for your honesty and your willingness to share!

  35. Michael Smith says:

    You are an amazing inspiration for me as well. I can’t believe how easy you made it all seem. I really liked how you made it seem so easy and simple to get started. Especially when you talked about http://bit.ly/2xR8513 it made it SO much easier and faster. I finally made money online, thank you.

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  38. Duru James says:

    the text of your website are too tiny it makes your blog boring

  39. Mr. Singh says:

    Very fruitful information

  40. Thanks so much for this post! I stumbles upon you in february when I began my blog and I have already come so far!!! I am feeling discouraged and hoping I “make it” and I read this article today. Thanks again!

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