

September 7, 2018

tell me more

I'm Hayley — helping moms do more in every aspect of their life. Mom of 3, entrepreneur, and homeschooler!

Meet Hayley

I can’t believe I’m 31 weeks already! Seriously, time flies by when you are pregnant with a toddler. I’m so excited to be a “girl Mom” and for Annabelle to have a sister close in age. I know the first beginning months will be definitely a transition for all of us as we are so used to it just being us three, but I have a feeling our family will feel more complete with Annabelle to have someone on “her level”.

Annabelle’s swimsuit c/o Pink Blush | Bow

I often get asked that since we are having two girls will we try for a boy. Honestly, getting to experience both genders sounds amazing, but it’s not something I’ve needed from the beginning. Doug was brought up in a household with just his brother and I have one older sister (10 years older) so for me the only real family planning goal I had was to have my children closer in age as I sometimes felt like an only child. As for Doug, there are days where he says “no more after two” and other days where he says he wants a “tribe” so I can’t trust his opinion right now LOL.

I see the joy in Annabelle’s face when she plays with another child at the park and it’s just too precious to deprive her anything else. I do get a few comments saying that just because you have children close in age doesn’t guarantee they will be best friends and I totally get that. There are plenty of siblings out there who fight, don’t agree on things, and eventually have their own friends and although that may happen, it’s not always the case and I will never plan our family for the “worst case scenario”. Both Doug and I had great relationships with our siblings growing up and want that same experience for our children.

As far as “are we having a third?”…that honestly depends on so many unforeseeable things. To answer the question in full, Annabelle was unplanned. I got pregnant when we were one year into our engagement and was around 14 or so weeks pregnant at our wedding. My whole world was thrown upside down! Then with our second, we conceived right after Annabelle turned one year old. I feel like I’ve been pregnant or breastfeeding forever! In order for us to want a third, we really want to be more financially stable in our online businesses, having an increase in passive income, and be settled down fully in Southern California. All of those things take time, patience, and lets be ha. Living in Socal is the dream for so many people because the lifestyle is extremely expensive, but we are prepared to do what it takes to live comfortably there and having another child won’t even be on the radar for a few years until we get that sorted and meet certain goals. We also don’t even know how chaotic it will be with two children, so we will be holding off on that idea for a while!:)

I hope that answers the burning question! haha I know so many of you are in the same boat so I wanted to address is. Also, how cute is A’s swimsuit!? It’s from Pink Blush (where I buy all of my maternity clothes – see here). They have the most precious pieces for toddlers and babies now!

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  1. Cecilia says:

    I agree wait you don’t know the plans God has for you take it one at a time ??You look amazing and Annabelle loves that water hose she’s too adorable ?

  2. Hannah Bennett says:

    I think it would be so sweet to wait a few years and have a third baby! Whether it be a boy (!!!) or a girl it would such a cute age gap to have 2 older sisters looking out for baby #3! And they will be old enough to help y’all out ?
    —wishing y’all the absolute best!

  3. Family planning is difficult because with each additional child you face new obstacles. I always said I wanted 3 children but after experiencing loss we will probably only have 1 and I am okay with that. Enjoy the last few weeks as a family of three?

  4. Amanda says:

    Very cute pictures! I love how much of a great time you seem to have with your kid!

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