

July 25, 2017

tell me more

I'm Hayley β€” helping moms do more in every aspect of their life. Mom of 3, entrepreneur, and homeschooler!

Meet Hayley

No joke…we pulled off the side of the road to take these pictures in the shade and I saw a lady watching us through her window. She finally came outside and asked if we wanted to borrow her tripod and take pictures in front of her flowers!!Β Β She made my day! I LOVE running into nice people. There are even some in LA πŸ˜›

I swear the embarrassing things we do to make our babies laugh is insane!Β  Matching Daddy/daughter dimples!

She’s like “Mommmmmm I need shoes”….“Okay, fine I’ll smile. Let’s get this over with!”

Pink Blush Blouse c/o | Shorts | Sunglasses | Necklace c/o | Ring c/o | Annabelle’s Outfit – Gymboree

Now that vlogging everyday for a month has ended, I can finally focus more on my blog posts (which I love and MISS!), regular routine videos, and more motherhood/fashion/beauty focused videos and posts. As much as I love daily vlogging, it is a bit overwhelming doing it by yourself. Getting ready every day, filming, editing the footage, and taking care of a seven-month-oldΒ can be a struggle! I’m still adjusting to this whole motherhood thing and one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned so far has been to set realistic expectations of myself. For the first few months, I would task myself huge to-do lists and only cross off one or two by the end of the day, leaving myself feeling defeated. I see so many Moms on social media these days who look like they have it all together; flawless outfit/makeup, perfectly clean house, blog posts/videos up on time. Sometimes I feel like I can’t get it together and then I remind myself that 90% of everything you see is staged. Don’t get me wrong, I love looking at aesthetically pleasing pictures, but on the other hand, when it’s 5 pm and I’m still in a robe or haven’t showered I’ll admit I do get down on myself about it.

My goal for August is to prioritize my life in a way that sets up realistic goals that way I can feel accomplished and not overwhelmed by everything I have to do. Some days I think it would be so much easier if I didn’t have a blog/Youtube channel. All I would do is solely take care of Annabelle, take pictures for no other purpose than to send to family and friends, only put my makeup on and do my hair on the weekends, and have no deadlines! Ahhh life would be different….BUT I wouldn’t be totally fulfilled. I’m so blessed to be able to share my life while having a career. It’s been one of the best things since becoming a Mom. I’m so happy doing it, but I’m still trying to find a balance between having a career and tending to a baby. I’ll get there one day!:) For now, here are some snapshots of our weekend which we vlogged here! I wore this top from Pink Blush and I love it’s billowy shape and crochet detail at the top. I wore a ton of their items when I was pregnant and I’m so glad they have non-maternity pieces too! I love this maxi dress and this off the shoulder dress. I’m also considering these overalls, but I’m not sure I could pull them off being short. What do you think?;) A lot of you guys ask where I get my robes from and I have two from Pink Blush. They have the cutest patterns!

Here’s a schedule you can expect to see throughout August!

Videos: Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Blog Posts: Tuesday, Thursday

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for following along on our journey. Every single comment, like, direct message, and email means the world to me even if I can’t respond to each one. My hope is to meet as many subscribers as I can in the future!


1 FollowΒ SoufeelΒ on Instagram and Facebook
2 Comment below on what you love most about summer!

Gold Large NecklaceΒ | Gold Small Monogram Necklace | Vine Ring | Engravable Cuff (Mine Says ‘Annabelle Rose’) | Silver Ring

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  1. My favorite part of the summer is 4th of July.
    My husbands family gets a beach house for 1 week and we stay with them. We get to go to the beach every day and see the float festival. We go to the water park and Tour around the city. It’s always a great vacation for us in Galveston, TX.

  2. Keaundria Scott says:

    My favorite thing about summer is traveling and going out and trying new things.

  3. Keyondria Conner says:

    Hi! I love the jewelry from this company. My favorite thing about summer is having s’mores with my kids who are two and six and watching movies past their bed times. Love you channel girl!

  4. Tabby Denkhoff says:

    The best part for summer for me is being able to get things done at our house! I work for the school board so I’m off when the kids are and I get to spend much needed time with loved ones and getting things done! Plus all the yummy cookout foods ❀️

  5. Jayde says:

    My favourite thing about summer is camping ! Campfires and smores! Went for the first time with my 6.5 month old early this summer! What an adventure it was .

  6. Norma says:

    I love summer because we always used to take a few camping trips or go on a mini vacation. This year we are going on a roadtrip from California to Colorado Springs.

  7. Colleen Ebbe says:

    What I love about summer is everyone seems a little more relaxed. The weather is warm, and people seem happier. The cold weather seems to make us a little grumpy.. at least me. Now I am not one for heat, and it gets very humid in MD, but I love the possibilities. The vacations, barbeques, outdoor activities, and the memories you can make. It’s the time for lemonade, swimming pools, get togethers, reunions, and those long summer days. ??β˜€

  8. Katie says:

    Summers are the best for bonfires and lake outings. Especially since most outside things do not cost very much to enjoy!

  9. Eva says:

    Best part is that my kids are on summer vacation and we can spend the summer doing whatever we want. No schedules to go by, staying up late, and sleeping in.

  10. Alondra velez says:

    What I love most about summer is spending time with family. We always take a family vacation every summer & it’s just wonderful. Family is everything to me. I live through my daughter she makes me feel like a kid again & I get so excited seeing her so happy! ❀️❀️

  11. Andrea says:

    Love following you on all of your social media! Being from Winnipeg, my favorite thing about summer is everything thar we get to do in the warm weather because the winter is freezing here! And the longer days are nice too!

  12. Morgan Baum says:

    My favorite part of the summer is our annual trip to the beach! To me, nothing is more rejuvenating than to be sitting on the shore of the beach!

  13. D'Lisa A. says:

    My favorite part of summer is the general carefree happy feeling it brings (even with 2 under 2.5)! Knowing the sun is shining & there’s limitless hopes of fun adventures! Pool days, zoo, beach, lazy days at home… It’s a feeling I love, not any one event or day. πŸ™‚

  14. Amanda says:

    My favorite part about summer is the feeling of freedom!!

  15. Jessica E says:

    We love going up north in Wisconsin and staying on lake Michigan as many times as we can during the summer! In a few weeks my husband and I will be going to our favorite spot for the last time as a family of two because our first baby is due in two months! I just love your channel πŸ™‚

  16. Carolsue says:

    My favorite part of summer is going to the beach and/or sitting out by the pool with the kids

  17. Bailey says:

    SO happy you will be doing two blog posts a week now! I love the laid back feeling of summer and getting time to take a break from work, especially going on vacation with my family !

  18. meghan says:

    Love being outside!

  19. Jalita Eaton says:

    My favorite part about Summer is my kids being home from school. I love the laid back feel of it, and spending extra time together.
    PS-cute photos! Who needs a photographer when your mom is awesome.

  20. Melissa says:

    My favorite part of summer are all of the spontaneous trips to the beach, Disneyland or anywhere! Living in SoCal we have so many day trip options that are only an hour or so drive away! I love spontaneous adventures!

  21. Georgiana says:

    Love all your social media accounts Hayley(: and my favorite part about summer is that my oldest son is on vacation so we all get to spend more time together and they love picnics in Rancho Palos Verde’s so we all gather up a basket full of snacks and they run wild playing until the sun goes down πŸ™‚

  22. Clarisse desousa says:

    I love summer so much because I can spend most of the time outdoors and with a cold Starbucks drink. I don’t think there are many things better than that – oh and wear dresses and flip flops !!

  23. Emily Browning says:

    My favorite part of summer in general are the summer nights, sitting outside after it cools off in LA lol. I also love the beach and body surfing (just watched your vlog and it made me miss it). My favorite part of this particular summer has been watching your junemas because I am a new mom and sit around a lot taking care of baby, I’ve loved watching your relatable life :). I’ve always loved being a new mom and watching my baby grow and hit fun milestones, it’s definitely been a different kind of summer than the past, but being a mom is the best thing in the world. ❀

  24. Samantha Damphousse says:

    My favorite part of summer is growing things in the garden and being able to have fresh fruit and veggies straight from my yard.

  25. Elise says:

    Such sweet pics! I love the one where you’re holding Annabelle up. My favorite part of summer is being able to get a lot done since I’m a full-time student and I finally have some free time in the summer, like cleaning, organizing, planning, etc. And I also love having bonfires with family and friends! πŸ™‚

  26. P Gifford says:

    My favorite part about summer is definitely how much sunlight we get here in New England. During Fall & Winter months its dark out by 4pm while sunlight in the Summer lasts until past 830pm!

  27. Carolina Valdez-Rios says:

    My favorite thing about summer is being able to go to Mexico and see my dad! That’s what I look forward to every year.

  28. Melissa Patrick says:

    My favorite things about summer are cookouts, lemonade, swimming, and ice cream! I’m usually more a fan of Autumn myself, though. I live in Texas and it gets HOT here. lol Love your channel, Hayley! ? You’re always so cheerful in your videos. You’re sweet spirit really shows!

  29. Grace Begovich says:

    Hye, Hayley! Your little family is the cutest & I’d love to see more budgeting vlogs/posts. You speak about it in a way I can understand, haha! What I love about summer is getting tan & my birthday! I love feeling special for a day! I’ve followed your insta since I found you! Thanks!

  30. Amber H. says:

    My favorite part of summer is spending time with my 5month old baby girl. She is growing and learning so much and I’m so happy to be a stay at home mom to see every one of her milestones <3

  31. Eva Ochoa says:

    My signifant other and I pulled over the other day to take some pictures in front of someone’s beautiful garden haha, how ironic! My favorite part about summer is that it’s one season closer to my favorite… autum!!!

  32. Yesenia Estevez says:

    The thing I love about summer specially this summer in particulate is spending time at the beach with my baby girl. It’s her first summer with mommy and daddy! I love plashing in the water and having fun!

  33. Taylor Murtlow says:

    Hi Hayley! I never miss any of your videos or blog posts. I love keeping up with your sweet little fam πŸ™‚ my favorite part about summer is getting to take my two littles to the pool or do fun family activities outside. I have a two-year-old and a four-month-old and they are both little water babies! I would love to win this contest!

  34. First off, I CANNOT get over how cute Annabelle is! I am an outdoor person and since I live in Iowa where is cold and crappy most of the year, I make the most of summer by being outside. I love going on hikes and camping. Although my husband hates being outside, I still drag him with me. Haha ! I have been eyeing this monogram necklace since you spoke about it on your channel. I am a recent grad so saving for a house and life in general. Learning from you and Dave Ramsey how to NOT SPEND my money.Damn, Dave Ramsey! So, I never bought this necklace but would love to win the giveaway! xx

  35. Airika D says:

    I have to say the beach is my favorite part of summer!?? Now having my little almost 7 month old baby girl it makes it so much more fun to start making memories with her there as a little family!!❀️️

  36. Paris Jerry says:

    My favorite part of summer is going on a picnic at the park with my daughter and husband πŸ™‚

  37. Melody Hernandez says:

    My favorite part of summer is getting outdoors with my hubby and our 15 month old son; as well as happily counting down the days til our daughter is born (her due date is August 25th)!

  38. Nicole says:

    My favoritepart about summer is being able to feel free. Being able to be more relaxed about what you wear and not having people judge. Being able to do more entertaining activities outside, and being in better moods cuz of the crazy amount of sun! β˜€οΈ

    By the way, your baby is super adorable!!

  39. Maria says:

    What I love most about summer is being outside, going camping, swimming, fishing and spending late nights with family and friends. This summer I am enjoying being a new mom with my 6 month old and so far it has been the most challenging yet amazing summer ever, hence I love watching your videos because I have a lot in common with you! ❀️ ( I have the same baby sleeping problem as you)

  40. Kristan says:

    What i love most about summer is family bbqs and family time in the sunshine!

  41. Kelsey says:

    My favourite thing about summer is swimming! I love the water and much prefer the lake to a boring pool! I had my baby boy in February and since July I’ve been able to enjoy swimming with him! He might love the water more than I do! πŸ™‚

  42. Sana says:

    I live in Toronto and winters here are crazy, the clothes that I need to wear in winter is double of my weight. LoL. In summer I like dressing up and going out and enjoying greenery all around. And now I’ve 3 months old baby girl so I love taking her out for walk. This is not gonna possible in winters and I’m gonna miss it for sure.

  43. What I love the best is VACATION! Going to the beach and enjoying a cocktail without thinking of work, problems and daily trivial stuff.

  44. Kelly M. says:

    I like enjoying the warm weather!

  45. Veronica says:

    My favorite thing about summer is a summer night. I love the feeling and it seems like people are out doing more things πŸ™‚

  46. Francely says:

    My favorite part of summer is gatherings outside for cookouts and feeling the warmth of the sun.

  47. Lindsey says:

    My favorite part of summer is enjoying fires in our backyard firepit!

  48. Samantha says:

    My favoirte thing about summer is going out and trying new things and also having. My first baby.

  49. My Favorite thing about summer is going swimming with my little one. She is just like me.. water obsessed!! Having so much fun this summer!!!

  50. Kylee says:

    I love the beautiful bright colors that everyone is wearing! I feel like I can be more creative with my style and makeup looks during summer πŸ™‚

  51. Gleidys ruiz says:

    I just love the feel of summer. Sunshine, Margaritas,Total relax mode. What’s not to love ❀️

  52. Katie M says:

    Hayley you do such an amazing job! I know as a FTM (I’m there too!) it can be hard to not get down on ourselves for not having everything done as it would have been before being a Mommy, but I just try to take one day at a time & not stress too much…harder said than done I know! Haha.

    My birthday is in July, on the 24th, so that has always been my favorite part of summer!

  53. Lerence Lubigan says:

    My favorite part about summer time is being able to go to the pool and beach. We took our baby girl to the pool and beach for the first time this summer and she LOVED it. I love being able to create memories with her.

  54. Ginger says:

    Awww those photos turned out so well!!! Hang in there, you’re doing great! I hope your new schedule works well for you!!

    My favorite part about summer… all those fireflies we get for sure!!! It’s so beautiful!

  55. Lauren Hamilton says:

    I love having time to take family vacations

  56. My favourite thing about summer is just being able to go outside freely doing fun things and wearing bright summery clothes! Annabelle is beautifulllll btw, she really melts my heart (*insert googly eyes here*) lol xxx

  57. Rebekah says:

    My favorite thing about summer is spending all day with my kids! My 10 year old daughter and I do weekly bake days all throughout the summer. We’ve made all sorts of treats– cookies, cakes, candy– it’s so much fun and super yummy too!

  58. iris says:

    Loved the post. My favorite thing about the summer is getting to go home to my family who live in portugal

  59. Brittney Avitia says:

    My favorite thing about summer is you get to enjoy nice warm mornings and in the afternoon it rains sometimes. Also you get to enjoy every item of clothing and sandles yess no socks. Everything is so colorful I love the flowers and roses that bloom.

  60. Sanne Nijland says:

    My favorite thing about summer is that I get to spend more time with my fiancΓ© and Family on holiday. I love exploring the world and share that experience with loved ones! ??

  61. Shelvina E says:

    I just love all your blog posts and religiously watch all your YouTube videos! You inspire me to focus on my blog!!

  62. meghan meade says:

    I love going to the beach!

  63. Jenn Wood says:

    I’m a teacher and what I used to love most about summer was time to myself. But now I love spending my time off with my 9.5 month old daughter. It’s such a gift to be able to watch her grow. Every day she learns something new and I feel so lucky to at least have the summers to be with her daily so I don’t miss anything. Watching you with Annabelle brings back so many memories of a few months ago. They grow up too fast.

  64. Vanna says:

    I love going on hikes with my dog !

  65. Roxane says:

    My favorite part of the summer is being able to spend time with my family and make awesome memories ! Also my birthday is August 8th so every summer is really special for me πŸ™‚ I hope you Doug and baby nana are having a great summer too !! I’ve been watching your videos since you were pregnant and it’s so heart warming to see Annabelle grow up and follow your journey. I just love your little family πŸ™‚ xoxo

  66. Brooke Lowe says:

    Poo am I the only one without a Facebook?? I love sitting outside in the early morning with my baby girl listening/watching the birds. It’s so peaceful!

  67. Julianna Salinas says:

    I love taking my son to the park in the summer! It’s so nice seeing him enjoy being outside and seeing all of the different things going on. We have found several beautiful parks in the Inland Empire and I love going to new ones with him.

  68. Jordan Moats says:

    I love walking my dog in the summer!!

  69. Brittney B. says:

    I love being outside in the summer!! And looong days!

  70. Brenda Stallings says:

    The best part of summer is getting to spend all day with my grand kids. Having them to spend the night and having dance party’s…… I even let them help me cook.
    Abigail 13
    Dylan 7
    Austin 4
    Jill 2

    We are blessed and I miss them so much when school starts. They all are in school except Jill, then go to the same private school that their Mommys went too. I would love to win… thank you for the opportunity

  71. Heather Adkins says:

    My favorite thing about summer is trips to the beach and all the fresh vegetables and fruit!

  72. Michelle says:

    Well, we live in Florida so whenever it doesn’t feel like satan’s armpit! My favorite thing about summer is afternoon storms! I love unwinding to the coziness and the sound of the rain

  73. Saidah Appleton says:

    Living in Sunny β˜€οΈ South Florida it truly feels like summer year round! But I love ❀️ all of the beach days, BBQ’s, and our annual family vacation. This year my family and I traveled to D. R and we loved it!! Can’t wait to go back! I recently got married and want to update my monogram to my new last name! ?

  74. Kasey rose says:

    My favorite thing is spending time with all of my friends and relaxing and not having to be at school lol.

  75. Ariel says:

    My favorite part of summer is spending it with my new baby and going on outings with him.

  76. Mai says:

    Love hiking and enjoying the outdoors! Especially up in the tri states we get 7 months of winter!

  77. Sabra Nicole says:

    My favorite part about summer so far has been spending quality time with my husband. We’ve been married for a little over a year now and my teacher schedule allows me to focus my time on our family. This summer is extra special since we are preparing for our little baby πŸ™‚

  78. Paige Freeman says:

    My favorite thing about summer is getting to do so many fun things with my baby boy and girl! We live In Tennessee and its a lot of fun here in the warm months! Love your blog posts and your vlogs!!

  79. Kristle gage says:

    My favorite part of summer is my new baby Adaline rose she was born 7/7/17. I also love snow cones and swimming pools. Love taking photos and watching your videos your Abby girl is adorable and you all seem like very kind people.

  80. Mara Perez says:

    Favorite part of summer is pool time and snow cones! Instagram name: Perezzie

  81. Kelsey says:

    Summer is my favorite part of summer! I work in an elementary, so summer break is absolutely wonderful! Especially this year, spending every minute with our little 4mo baby girl!

  82. Julie says:

    Heeey hayley i love your videos i recently had a little baby boy so i find your videos soo helpful to watch i love to go for walks in the summer now that i have a baby i think i like it better i also love going to the beach but i think my favorite part of summer might be having camp fires i love them almost as much as i love your videos!

  83. Eunice Aguirre says:

    The best part about summer is traveling and spending time with loved ones you haven’t seen in a while. July 4th barbecues and fireworks, blooming flowers and colorful gardens. Also, the beach, the pool, and lazy evening snuggles with my little one!

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