
Spring Fashion Wishlist & Bucket List!

March 6, 2017

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I'm Hayley — helping moms do more in every aspect of their life. Mom of 3, entrepreneur, and homeschooler!

Meet Hayley

Sunglasses | Boater Hat | Beach Bag | Sandals | Red Dress | Skirt | Blouse | Earrings

I can’t express how ready I am for spring! Although I love the rainy weather we’ve been getting this winter, it’s been limiting Annabelle and I from getting outside. I thought I would share with you a few of my favorite fashion pieces for spring and a bucket list of all the things I have planned to do when the weather turns around. First off, I just placed an order on Topshop for this floral tea dress, this mini (my FAV), and this dress shown above. As I was writing that sentence, I realized they are all floral pieces…oops! Well, you can never have too much floral!;) I love flowy springtime dresses and the ones on their site and to die for! Not to mention they have free shipping and free returns, which is a must for me. These days I can’t tell my size at all! Now that I’m breastfeeding I swear one minute my boobs are smaller and the next they can’t fit into anything. That reminds me, I really need to find some nursing bras that are cute! I’m currently mainly wearing sports bras and they really aren’t the most feminine clothing items. That’s probably why I wanted to place an order for girly pieces that will make me feel more put together:)

I have a ton of fun things planned for Annabelle, Doug, and I when the weather warms up. Now that Annabelle is born the change in weather makes me so much more excited because it means she can experience things for the first time like…

Taking a beach trip!

Driving up to Malibu for the day.

Swimming in a pool.

Get ice cream cones or frozen bananas and walk on the boardwalk. 

Go to the OC fair. 

Going on a picnic in a park and swinging on the swings!

Get fresh produce and veggies at the farmers market.

Have a BBQ at my parents house with ribs!

Go on a hike. 

Go to a baseball game. 

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  1. Farrell says:

    Love your style!
    Kindly read and leave a comment at http://www.farrellgerard.blogspot.co.id/2017/03/another-year.html

  2. Debi says:

    I love the red dress so much sadly it is sold out in my size.

  3. Bailey says:

    Love the sunhat and white off the shoulder blouse! Your Spring bucket list sounds like so much fun, you’ll have to post vlogs when you do those things. 🙂

  4. Amanda Mae says:

    All of the pieces are so cute! Would love to see a try on of the mini once you get it. I made my 2017 Spring Wish List a couple weeks ago and floral is a MUST for Spring time!

    Also, excited for you to get your BBQ ribs, just don’t eat them over Annabelle. Haha!

  5. stephanie says:

    I found your youtube videos and Im obsessed with your blog!
    The star sandals look amazing, added to my list!

  6. I really love your style! You dress a lot more grown-up than so many young women your age, and I just think it’s awesome! You’re a beautiful girl!

  7. Iris says:

    I agree with your bucket list injust feel i need to travel more often and see the world so i made this post about travel goals http://justthinkgirl.weebly.com/travel/travel-goals

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