

August 23, 2017

tell me more

I'm Hayley β€” helping moms do more in every aspect of their life. Mom of 3, entrepreneur, and homeschooler!

Meet Hayley

Daddy’s always making sure she has everything she needs! Aka her hat so she stays out of the sun;) Obviously Annabelle hates selfies;) HELLO triple chins!! The things we do to make our babies laugh!

Twins<3 That face! She wanted to eat the camera strap.

DressΒ | Necklace c/o |Β Annabelle’s OnesieΒ c/o | Annabelle’s HatΒ c/o | Annabelle’s Bow c/o

Happy Wednesday friends! Since having Annabelle it’s been an adjustment trying to find a schedule that fits all our needs. Obviously, when you have a newborn all your focus is on them. Then they get a bit older and you start to realize if you don’t take time for yourself you’ll go a little bananas.Β Maybe this isn’t everyone, but it’s definitely been my experience! Now that she is eight months old, I find myself seeking more “me time”. That doesn’t necessarily mean pampering myself or getting my nails done, but it just means time without Annabelle breastfeeding or strapped to me via a baby carrier (even though I love it!). It’s a time where I can sit by myself and peacefully answer emails without making mistakes, deep clean the kitchen which is in desperate need of it, or run errands without having to worry about nap time. These things aren’t only for me, but for Doug too! He’s only worked on his car a handful of times, played video games, or done anything for himself outside of work. With a new baby sometimes it can feel like GroundhogΒ day. They are on the same schedule day after day and so is the family for the most part. We didn’t want the choice to haveΒ children take away from our own interests and hobbies so we made a plan of action.

This month we printed out a “family calendar” and marked off certain days. These are what we specified: family days (aka going outside of the house: beach, hike, picnic, trying something new, etc.), days for Dad and days for Mom (where I either hang out with my parents with Annabelle so he can do things for himself or he takes Annabelle and I’m on my own for a few hours), and then regular scheduled appointments/arrangements. It all seems so simple, but I’m telling you if you’re a new Mom and are finding it hard to balance everything, having a family calendar will save you! Ever since we created one, thingsΒ have been so much more manageable. We can make sure we still have time for each other, monthly budgeting, “me time”, and family time. For the most part, we always spend weekends together because it’s a time to enjoy each other’s company when Doug’s not at work!

I’m giving away 1 personalized calendar from Personalized Planner in today’s post!

This is a sample of the month of August. I wanted to share this idea with you because so many new Moms come to me and ask how I manage it all while telling me how overwhelmed they are. Trust me, I’ve been there and am still there some days! Over these past eight months, I’ve learned to be more intentional with my goals. If I want a solid marriage/ friendships or if my goal is to advance my career, I have to carve out time each week to do so and this has helped make everything I want attainable so that Doug and I are on the same page while still giving the best to Annabelle!


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  1. Eunice Aguirre says:

    Wooo! First comment! I would love the planner. With a 5 month old myself, I understand the need to plan everything just to keep sane!

  2. Crystal says:

    All of those pictures are adorable!!! And I love planners!! This one looks great and would love to win! Thanks for the chance!

  3. So nice!! Loved the post and I hope that a week from now – when my baby will already be born – I can manage my time. My husband and I have so many hobbies and I hope that planning them well we can manage to continue doing them.

  4. Jalita Eaton says:

    love the calendar almost as much as I love Annabelles tuft of hair that curls up… soooo cute! Seriously though, the calendar looks cool…. Enter me! πŸ™‚

  5. Kenzie says:

    I would love to win the calendar! I have a 10 month old and it would be wonderful for our family!! πŸ™‚

  6. Laurel Chavez says:

    Being a new mom, I find your blogs and YouTube channel so helpful as well as entertaining. Your family is so cuteee.

    I would love to win this planner as well it looks like exactly what I need for my busy family now.

  7. Jessica says:

    Hi Hayley! Our little fam would love the calendar, we’ve got a 4 month old little girl πŸ™‚ Love your Channel, I watch every vid!

  8. Heather says:

    Omg I love Annabelle’s outfit, she’s so cute! Thank you for the advice on planning, I love to be organized and am looking for a way to organize my life along with my husbands- who totally lacks organization. This planner is such a great idea!

  9. Airika Domene says:

    My husband and I are doing the same thing! Having our own time is so important ecspecially wih my 7 1/2 month old girl! Having a calendar all planned out is a great idea! ❀️️ Love your vlogs and blogs, I can relate so much!

  10. Hannah says:

    This is your first blog post I read and I am hooked. I love your style and your daughter is so adorable! I have a four month old baby girl and I don’t have any me time at all!! The personalised calendar is a great idea and would love to get one. But I am not in America. Is this an international giveaway? (Please say yes!)

  11. Rav says:

    This is an amazing blog post. Finding time for myself or even my husband finding time has been so difficult, a planner is such an amazing way to do it though because you can visually see it and let it be a reminder. With my husband working full time and doing his masters part time, and me trying to be consistent with my blog, it becomes so overwhelming especially since I also always feel mom guilt for trying to do something for myself. A planner would help us out so much! It’s absolutely gorgeous!

  12. Julie says:

    I love your vlogs Hayley Annabelle is soo adorable i watch every vlog i stared watching when i was pregnant Annabelle is only 5 months older then Matthew

  13. Cari A says:

    Love the calendar! Would come in super handy with a 6 month old!

  14. Erin Kate Huffmire says:

    Hi Hailey! I subscribed but I don’t have Facebook so I wasn’t able to do that part – hope that doesn’t disqualify me!
    Love the videos!
    You and your husband remind me a lot of me and my husband!
    With cars, Dave Ramsey, and having a little baby I can really relate to you guys!

  15. Darlene says:

    Hi Haley! I just love your blog and YouTube channel! Your family is so amazing, I’ve just watching you guys grow in love and happiness this past year or so. I too would also like to be considered for the calendar. Life is a crazy happy mess with these little ones so staying organized is key! Have a good one πŸ™‚

  16. Meghan Moldovan says:

    Thank you for the chance to win the calendar. Would love to win. I need to start planning things out on paper and having more of a schedule.

  17. Zarina Patricia says:

    Hi Hayley,
    I always admire your photography, you guys are such a beautiful family! I’m 21 &’ I have two daughters, some days are just super overwhelming &’ tiring but I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way, I love them dearly &’ never stop smiling/laughing lol, love your vlogs &’ your blog! ?

  18. Katie M says:

    It seems so simple to try and make time for your self as a woman, not just as a Mom, but it truly isn’t! As you said, day-to-day life can get in the way and it’s important to take time for yourself, for hubby to have time to do his things, and to be together and present as a family!
    Oh the things you don’t think of as a priority until you become a parent… πŸ™‚

  19. Abby says:

    What a fun giveaway, thank you! Love your videos – such a sweet fam!

  20. Shanice says:

    Your family is such a great family. I love watching your youtube videos and reading your blog posts because even though you guys are young and new with a baby, to me you are inspiration for a positive relationship. I am a fairly new subscriber and you are my top youtuber I always talk to my boyfriend about. Can’t wait for the newsletters each week.

    Love You Guys

  21. Katie says:

    This is such a good idea, which I need to do as well! I have 3 yr old in physical therapy again and soon to be preschool, almost 8 month old, and a husband who has a million to dos! Also, I started back to finish up some school. What am I thinking? Not to mention I added teaching Sunday School this past week..Haha oh please I need a calendar!!!!! Mom life is so hard to accomplish it all and I don’t like the feeling of being a failure because I feel like I can’t do it all. I mean my 3 yr old said you need to redo your paint on your toenails!!

  22. Samantha says:

    I would love this Planner I have a 4 month old baby girl.

  23. Paris Jerry says:

    Oo I would love to get my hands on that calendar! I have a 10 month old and I’m expecting another next year πŸ™‚ Nanu looks so cute by the way! You two always have the cutest outfits!!

  24. Flor Coronado says:

    I definitely need this calendar! My husband & I need to have some time management classes for sure. It’s so hectic with a newborn! We try but a calendar like yours would help us out! ??

  25. Sabra says:

    I’m basically getting inspiration for my future baby girl’s outfits from little Annabelle πŸ™‚
    Also my husband has started watching y’alls vlogs with me and he loves them!
    That planner would be such a life saver!! My husband and I can never line up our schedules and I love that it has them side by side!

  26. Enjolie Bates says:

    Hey! I actually have 2 kids and am pregnant with my 3rd! I love your videos:) This planner would work awesome for us!

  27. Amanda Coulter says:

    Hi Hayley! Thanks for the awesome giveaway, and blog posts. Would absolutely love to win the calendar. My hubs and I were just talking about how we were needing to get one. Especially since he’s now working two jobs, and with a seven month old little boy! πŸ™‚

  28. Erin says:

    I have an 18 month old and still trying to figure out a schedule for myself and my side business on top of my full time job. A planner would be so helpful.

  29. Casey says:

    I love this giveaway! I’m 16 weeks pregnant with my first baby and have been binge watching your YouTube videos since I discovered your channel a few weeks ago. You and your family are so adorable! <3

  30. Samantha says:

    Enjoyed the vlog! You three are seriously the cutest! I’m due in 2 weeks with our first baby and I know this calendar would be useful! ☺️ Thanks for the chance to win! Have a great day guys!

  31. Guadalupe says:

    Hayley! My baby girl was born the same day as Annabelle, and watching your snaps I just laugh because our babies have so much in common! I would love to win this giveaway because just like myself in so into planning out my week it keeps me organized and stress free and I could really use a new planner!

  32. Tylar Terrell says:

    Hi Hayley!

    From getting married in December, to having my daughter in April & now entering into my senior year of college.. Utilizing a calendar is the ONLY way to keep up with life! My daughter, Tatum, is only 4 months.. but she loves to sit & watch your videos with me. Your family is the cutest. ?

  33. Andreya Garza says:

    Love you Volga!!and I love planners I hope I win!! ❀

  34. Monica says:

    Thank for the chance to win such a cute calender. Love your YouTube channel, i started following you during your wedding series and just after you started your pregnancy videos we found out we were pregnant and it helped me so much to see another 1st time mommy sharing her experiences.

  35. Daniella says:

    I have subscribed to your newsletter and has previously already liked your Facebook page. I watch all your vlogs all the way in Cornwall in England πŸ™‚ xx

  36. Stephanie Villarreal says:

    Such beautiful pictures, I’m obsessed with your little family! Thanks for the chance to win this giveaway, as a police officer wife and expecting, it gets tough to manage time with each other and alone time as well, this would definitely help us manage our time!

  37. Sara says:

    Awh that calendar is so cute!!! I’m trying to start planning a ton more! I would love to see how you plan and write stuff down! Do you use a journal or anything? Bullet planning?


  38. melanie huttner says:

    You are so pretty, you remind me of Kristina from the Bachelor

  39. MacKenzie Clark says:

    I would love this planner! Between just getting married, working full time and the both of us going to school we can barely keep it together at this point! Thank you!

  40. Kristle says:

    Your a lovely family. Love watching your videos you all are awesome parents. fun to watch and see the baby grow up she is adorable. thanks for letting us enter this giveaway. Hope we win.

  41. Alondra says:

    Hey Hayley! Just wanted to say you’re such an amazing mother! You really inspire me with your positivity! Love your vlogs also! ?

  42. Lerence says:

    I have a 10.5 month old and I’ve also recently gone back to work so this calendar would be perfect!

  43. Courtney says:

    You guys are literal family goals! I love watching you so much on YouTube, keep it up πŸ™‚ x

  44. Joyce says:

    Love watching you guys! Kisses to nana! ?

  45. Ezra says:

    Love the calendar idea! Please enter me

  46. Lauren mcelligott says:

    How adorable are those pictures ❀️ I love the look of the Calander and I think it would really help organise my life as I’m about to go to college ?

  47. Danielle Craven says:

    Really enjoyed seeing Annabelles 8 month video! She is just turning into her own little personality. And you guys are both adorable! Fingers crossed for the giveaway. I’m sure my little ones wouldn’t oppose new toys!

  48. KellyPC says:

    I love Personal Planner planners, I would love to try their calendars so everyone can be organized, not just me!

  49. Lily says:

    Came over from your YouTube channel πŸ™‚ absolutely LOVE your vlogs. I just became a FTM so I love watching your videos.

  50. Shae Allen says:

    Hi hayley came from your YouTube channel I love your vlogs my husband and I watch them. I would love this calender my husband and I are planning to start a family hopefully soon and it would be awesome to be able to get track of everything and have a better schedule for us. Also so odd but great to say husband we got married 5 days ago I originally found your channel from your wedding ready series. Thanks for your videos xoxo

  51. Beccy Beresic says:

    Really enjoying your vlogs! I would love that planner, with a husband, a toddler and a baby there is always a lot going on πŸ™‚ Our daughters are very close in age. My daughter was born January 9, 2017

  52. Omo says:

    Hi Hayley, l came across your YouTube channel today and decided to check your blog out.l’m new to blogging and YouTube and struggling seriously with my time balancing the family life with 4kids , my channel and blogging .l know l can do more with my blog especially with the calendar idea.l will put it in practice ,hopefully it will come together.Thanks for this blog.l will appreciate if you check out my blog ( give your thought on it.Can do what a mentor like you. Love your blog.

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