

April 15, 2018

tell me more

I'm Hayley — helping moms do more in every aspect of their life. Mom of 3, entrepreneur, and homeschooler!

Meet Hayley

Ahh! I can’t believe it! I have so much to update you guys with. I feel like I’ve been living a lie! First off, if you haven’t watched today’s video, then I’d do that first, but I wanted to go into a bit more detail about what’s been happening the last 12 weeks and where I’ve been since I’ve been MIA!! Around 10 of you already know because I can’t lie if I’m directly asked lol.. You’ve DM-ed me on social media and I’m not super secretive about anything really so I told you! No one has said anything yet because you guys are awesome!! I seriously love talking to you about life things and hearing your stories. Ugh, as I write this post, I’m unbelievably nauseous. Doug’s in the kitchen making me a PJ and J so hopefully that will fix it. Tomorrow we leave for California (I haven’t told anyone I’m pregnant yet) and it’s 9pm and I’m too sick to pack/stand so Doug’s doing it all. I strongly dislike talking about the negative aspects of pregnancy first. Mainly because none of my friends have had babies and I don’t want to discourage them, but at the same time, I haven’t posted content or shot anything for my blog in what feels like forever due to my sickness. It’s not as bad as last time (hallelujah/ fingers crossed), but I know it’s not as bad as it can get or will get. I went to my first doctor’s appointment today (April 3rd) and the baby was measuring 9 weeks-ish. So that puts our due date Nov. 6, 2018! Almost 2 years apart from Annabelle (born Dec. 23, 2016).

As many of you who follow my channel know, I was so hesitant about baby #2 because I was afraid I wouldn’t love my next baby as much as Annabelle. I know it sounds silly, but once I said it online, my feelings were justified because so many of you empathized with me and have felt the exact same way. That is, until you held your new baby for the first time. I know deep down that your heart grows with each child, as I’ve seen it with my sister first hand and obviously every other women in the world. But to tell you the truth, I know Annabelle is destined to have a sibling. She loves other babies so much and to see her have a sister or brother to play with would make my life complete! We are beyond excited and seeing that little heart beat makes it so real. I’m praying my all day sickness passes soon so I can get the energy to put up more videos instead of lying around in PJs with greasy hair all day mostly near the toilet (ew). For me, pregnancy has never been glamorous. Growing a baby is HARD work. I am blown away by the women who go through intense morning sickness and work 8-5. You are superwomen!! Anyways, we have a few other big life changes coming in the next couple of weeks that are so exciting. I’m waiting until they are finalized before filming a video, but stay tuned!! And a big THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all your support when I haven’t been uploading as much. Seriously, it means the world! xxx

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  1. Simran says:

    Love love ❤️
    So happy for you guys and especially for Annabelle.
    You know I check your blog and channel every day to see if you posted and today on my Facebook I found your post and I straight jumped to your video and blog it’s so good
    After a long wait such a beautiful video and blog
    You take care of yourself and all who follows you they love you and as group we understand your condition
    Lots of love ❤️ take care

  2. Kelly-Belly says:

    So happy for you all! I love watching your YouTube channel.

  3. Tammi says:

    Congratulations! So happy for you! Take care and get plenty of rest. 🙂

  4. Sara Hernandez says:

    Congratulations! ?♥️Praying that your sickness subsided. Can’t wait to see your next video. ?I should have asked haha ?. Love your blogs. ?

  5. Jamnetty says:

    Congrats! So excited for you guys. I was actually shocked. I’ve been so busy with mom life myself to notice, but the past few days I was thinking to myself how you’ve been lost. Lol. I can’t wait to find out the gender, see the baby, and witness Annabelle’s reaction to her little sushi brother. I have a feeling that it is a boy. ?

  6. Maria says:

    I am sooooo happy for your tiny family!!!! ?
    Wish you nothing but the best and can’t wait to meet the new addition. ?


  7. Eli says:

    I so so so happy for u. Yesterday i jumped out of bed when i saw your youtube video. Anabelle is my favourite baby but i will love your new baby too xp. Sending u lots of love. Hope you feel better soon. :****** Ps cant wait for pregnancy updates, i love watching that stuff and im not even married or have a baby xp.

  8. Natali says:

    BIG congratulations to you guys! Morning sicknesses are awful and so exhausting but once they go away, you will be able to enjoy your time with Annabelle as per usual and also think about/ prepare for the new baby! Have safe travels to Cali!

  9. Giavonna says:

    Congrats to the whole family! I am truly so excited for you all. And how wonderful for Annabelle! It was so fun & insightful following along with your first pregnancy and birth, I can’t wait to follow along again with Baby #2! What a beautiful blessing for your little family! Love and happiness to you all x.

  10. Megan says:

    Congratulations to you all!! Such lovely news 🙂 my daughter is 4 months & I’ve been a viewer/reader since you where pregnant with Annabelle I found all your pregnancy and motherhood videos so so helpful! I’m looking forward to seeing how life is with 2 babies 🙂 Babys are such blessings ❤️

  11. Dadrian says:

    Congratulations! Your family is beautiful! Take care!

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