

April 17, 2017

tell me more

I'm Hayley — helping moms do more in every aspect of their life. Mom of 3, entrepreneur, and homeschooler!

Meet Hayley

^^I just had to post this one! Annabelle fell asleep while being rocked by my Mom outside after Easter was over. So cute!

Doug, Annabelle, and I spent Easter this week at my parents house soaking up the beautiful sunshine, eating tons of good food (my parents never send us home on empty stomachs!), and with lots of laughs. It was Annabelle’s first Easter so we wanted to make it special by spending time with family. If you watched today’s vlog, then you’ll know Annabelle is most at peace at her grandparents house. It really is such a magical place. My Dad is a master landscaper and their property is full of lush greenery and blooming flowers with birds singing and rabbits hopping everywhere! They live on horse property so there are a lot of fun animals to show her. I actually grew up owning goats, sheep, chickens, and a pig! We never actually owned horses though, but all my neighbors do so we had to show them to Annabelle. She was in awe and we had such a good time. The more I spend time around my family the more I realize I could never move her away from them! Seeing your baby love on your Mom and Dad is one of the best feelings in the world. Once I had Annabelle I felt even more of a connection to my parents and I’m sure a lot of other first time Moms can say the same. It’s almost like you finally understand the love they have carried for you throughout all these years because for the first time you feel it for your baby too!

I always get questions about where I buy her clothes and most of them are from Gymboree! I also got the gold bow she is wearing from Lucky Crickets on Etsy and I am doing a giveaway for it in today’s post. See below on how to enter to win one for your little girl:)

Baby Bow Giveaway Rules:

1. Follow Lucky Crickets on Instagram here
2. Like Lucky Crickets on Facebook here
3. Comment below on what you did over the weekend!

Dress c/o | Asos Lace Up Sandals (Similar) | Annabelle’s Bow c/o | Annabelle’s outfit is from Gymboree!

Shop a few of my favorite spring dresses here!

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  1. I went to get hair done over the weekend and spend with my family also my cat…

    • Tracy says:

      I have just been to my first child’s baby shower slightly different because they are adopting a 10 month old baby so very excited for them after ten years of infertility treatment then a miscarriage they finally decided they would adopt and now 18 months later their daughter will be moving in one week from today Praise God.
      I’m looking for some really cute different things I can buy especially as this is my first grandchild.

  2. Dev says:


    I am expecting my first child, a baby girl! She’s actually due this week, and I definitely know what you mean when you say your connection with your parents grew. Although I haven’t had her yet I can tell our relationship has blossomed in new ways! As for what I did this weekend, me and my fiancé had a chill weekend! We went to the park to try to walk the baby out, walked around a few stores, and went to a cookout for Easter! The cookout took a crazy turn whenever people started getting water balloons and squirt guns out of no where ? It was fun to mingle with family we don’t see all the time though. I love watching your vlogs/videos & I love your blog posts! You are very inspiring, and I keep coming back to watch your videos because you keep it real, and not a lot of ladies do!

    Love you guys!

  3. Noemilie says:

    Hi Hayley, Doug and Annabelle!

    I’m glad you guys had a nice Easter weekend with the family. My husband, the kids and I spent some quality time together just the four of us. My little girl is six yrs old and doesn’t wear too many bows anymore (she thinks she’s a tween ?) but I still wanted to show some love and support to your page and also Lucky Crickets pages. I’ve recently started a YouTube channel and am interested in blogging thanks to you. You’ve inspired me to get this rolling after so long. You’re series are so super helpful.. you rock!


  4. Monica says:

    I took my 1 year old son Easter egg hunting and took some pics with the Easter bunny then watched the fate of the furious with my hubby:) I’m 26 weeks pregnant with my baby girl and I’m so exited to see how it’s going to be to have a little girl!?

  5. Alicia says:

    Hi Hayley!

    First, let me say this shop has the cutest bows!! I don’t have very many for my baby girl and also her head is fairly small so the ones I do have don’t even fit yet lol. I loved the outfits for Easter! Yesterday my baby girl and I went to my aunts house to spend time with family! Everyone loves her so much but definitely hogs her when I’m around them. Of course I’m sitting across the room staring at my daughter because I’m a crazy mom. Kind of like how you are when Annabelle is napping and you’re constantly checking on her! Haha. I didn’t think I was going to be like that but I’m obsessed with my daughter! I’m sure you recognize my name from commenting on your YouTube videos! Obviously I love watching y’all everyday, especially seeing Annabelle grow!

  6. Megan Ruyf says:

    We spent the weekend celebrating Easter with family. My daughter, Mayla got to experience her first egg hunt and she had a blast!

  7. Massiel Gomez says:

    Hi over the weekend I took my 2 month old baby girl to get her first easter bunny pictures and then we walked the mall and spend time with the family.

  8. Christina K. says:

    We enjoyed the weather and took baby for lots of walks!! My daughter is just a couple weeks older than Annabelle 🙂

  9. Hayley says:

    Hey Hayley!
    I spent the weekend celebrating my daughters first easter ! We went to my parents house (about 4 hours away) which was the longest car ride my 4.5 month old has been on. Thankfully, she slept most of the ride!

  10. Sarah Altendorf says:

    My husband’s parents came to visit for Easter. We spent the weekend relaxing at home with our daughter Elizabeth who is just a few days older than Annabelle.

  11. Emmy Harris says:

    My husband and I enjoyed time on the beach on Easter Sunday and had a picnic my baby girl is 2 months old now and Haley, your such a inspiration to me as a new mom like yourself and I watch your YouTube videos and I can sometimes be having the most frustrating day and I watch your blogs and it brightens my day and gives me reassurance that I’m not the only mom that goes through these things I hope you guys had a blessed Easter:)

  12. Caitlin says:

    Spent the weekend relaxing as I am 8 months pregnant and not up for much lately. Thanks for your awesome videos, helps me to prepare myself for our new life with baby!

  13. Amanda Wilson says:

    I’m expecting my little girl on Mother’s Day! I spent the weekend getting the last of her things put together 🙂

  14. Bethany Hogan says:

    Spent the weekend with my husband and parents. Enjoying the last few weeks before our first child arrives… her name will be Faith!

  15. Alexis says:

    My boyfriend and I went shopping and on a couple walks over the weekend with our five month old baby girl. It’s really hot here in Chicago! For Easter we just had a nice quiet dinner. My weekend was pretty relaxing! I love your vlogs.

  16. Rebecca says:

    I love that bow!
    I played with my 7 month old baby and watched your videos. I just discovered you!

  17. Angela Clelland says:

    Had a great weekend with family

  18. Caitlin says:

    My husband and I went to the beach (87°) and got to see dolphins playing by shore! And we announced that we are pregnant and due November 2nd, 2017! It was a great weekend overall:)

  19. Samantha Damphousse says:

    I spent the weekend celebrating Easter with my family. The best part was surprising them with the gender reveal of our 3rd little squish, a little girl that will be here in August?

  20. Alondra velez says:

    I spent the weekend with my husbands side of the family. There was so much food & a big water slide! My daughter had fun with all of her cousins! ❤

  21. Katie Pedro says:

    We painted our deck this weekend. Oh the joys of home ownership.

  22. Nat says:

    Those pics are amazing! Your parents are so cute!

    I’m 28 weeks pregnant and STILL suffer from nausea. So I’ve been in bed all weekend, I’m counting down the days until I see my baby girl!

  23. Jasmynn Lee says:

    Easter was one of my daughters birthday so we had an Easter themed birthday party with an Easter egg hunt and all!!

  24. Janneyra says:

    Hi Hayley!

    I spent the weekend with my husband and our two week old baby girl ? for Easter dinner husband made some delicious ribs, potatoes, baked beans and chocolate pie for dessert ?
    Glad to watch you had a great Easter weekend with your family. Such a blessing! ?

  25. Kai says:

    Aw the pictures are adorable!!

    This weekend, we traveled to visit some family! They got to meet our baby girl for the first time. We just hung out and had lots of fun??

  26. Taylor Harms says:

    This weekend I got to see my family for the first Easter in two years, although my fiancé and his daughter couldn’t come with me (my family lives two hours away, and I’ve had to work for the last two years! 🙁 ) it was lovely and my family finally see my baby bump and feel her kick! I hope you three had a lovely Easter with your family.. you have a very adorable family! Xoxo

  27. Jess says:

    I visited my hometown and family.. and then I found out that I’m pregnant. Ohjeeze.

  28. Kristyn says:

    I went to my moms for Easter with my husband and our 2 year old daughter. I’m due in July with onother girl so this how would be so perfect!

  29. Kristyn says:

    Celebrated Easter at my moms. Expecting our 2nd girl in july. The headband is so cute!

  30. Rachelle Swannie says:

    This Easter was the best yet because I’m 16 weeks pregnant with my first baby, little girl! We did IVF and have been trying for years so we’re so excited to meet our princess! <3

  31. Kaylyn Lipscomb says:

    I spent my Easter in the hospital and it was no fun at all 🙁
    Was almost induced at 31 weeks but thankfully it didn’t come to that!

  32. Kaylyn Lipscomb says:

    I spent my Easter in the hospital and it was no fun at all 🙁
    I was almost induced at 31 weeks but thankfully it didn’t come to that!

  33. Angela says:

    Hello Hayley
    This weekend I took my two and a half year old and two month daughters Easter egg hunting with my husband and their grandpa. We also spent the weekend searching for a certain Paw Patrol toy that my toddler is obsessed with. Her grandpa ended up buying her the entire line up of characters in a matter of a week lol. Since the weather is nice we’ve also been enjoying the beautiful cherry blossoms and taking pictures of my toddler.
    I really enjoy your vlogs! Annabelle is adorable and you and Doug are such a sweet couple.

  34. Melanie Lugo says:

    I love those bows, they are beautiful! This weekend was my baby girl’s 1st Easter. I also have 2 older boys 8, and 3. So my family and I went to a local spring fair on Saturday, then came home and colored Easter eggs. On Sunday morning, the kids got surprised with their Easter baskets. After that we did an Easter egg hunt, and had a big breakfast ! In the afternoon we went to my parents house and also had steaks and spent time outside enjoying the beautiful weather we had, here in Florida !

  35. Tori says:

    This weekend I ate a ton of food! Started washing some of the baby’s clothes before she gets here, organized the nursery, ate way too much candy!!

  36. Adrienne says:

    We spent most of the weekend with family. We found out baby #2 is a girl earlier in the week so we also spent the time with family celebrating! 🙂

  37. Alexandra says:

    Hey Hayley!

    Greetings from Sweden. I’m originally from Arizona, but currently living in Lund, Sweden with my husband (also American but he recently started a job over here). I found your youtube videos on pregnancy a couple months ago and I’ve been following you ever since.

    My husband and I spent the weekend at home celebrating Easter with a home-cooked meal. It was small and quiet, but being 19 weeks pregnant (and sick on top of that!) I was totally cool with low-key. I tried to make our Easter dinner a blend of American and Swedish Easter traditions. When looking up what Swedish sides I could serve along with a ham, I found out about Jansson’s Temptation (potato, onion and pickled anchovies baked in cream) and decided to um, skip that… and go with grilled asparagus instead, haha. While searching the grocery store high and low for a ham to bake, I learned 1) Swede’s serve lamb at Easter, not ham and 2) Swedish children dress up as witches for Easter (cute colorful witches with drawn on freckles). After we had a nice dinner of roasted lamb and veggies, we watched “It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown.”

    Happy holidays to you, Doug and Annabelle!

  38. meahgan j says:

    We also celebrated my 2nd daughters first Easter. She’s 4.5 months old. =)

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