

December 31, 2014

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I'm Hayley — helping moms do more in every aspect of their life. Mom of 3, entrepreneur, and homeschooler!

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c/o Sibu Beauty: Sibu Seven Omega-7 Pure Drink | Sibu Purifying Mask | Sibu Hydrating Serum | Sibu Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil | Sibu Nourishing Facial Cream

When it comes to my daily skincare routine, I rarely try new products because I have pretty sensitive skin. I’m lucky that I have a lot of natural oils that keep my skin from drying out, however it can be hard to combat those oils to achieve a nice luminous finish without becoming too shiny throughout the day. For years I’ve tried a variety of products and I’ve found that natural, toxin-free skincare is the best for my oily skin. That’s why I’ve been loving a few of Sibu Beauty’s natural skin products that help combat oil, while keeping my skin nourished throughout the winter. Their hydrating serum has really helped even out the texture of my skin throughout the past few months and the omega 7 fatty acids in the formulation add moisture and a healthy glow underneath makeup. I’ve also been enjoying their Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil at night after cleansing because it helps prevent wrinkles and age spots in the future. Their purifying mask is another one of my favorites because it really deep cleans my pores and rejuvenates the look of my skin. They also have a variety of different liquid supplements that act as a daily vitamin for your skin that stimulates hair and nail growth and replenishes your system from harsh toxins. Their sea buckthorn line really is great for those wanting a natural remedy to their skincare, especially if you have sensitive skin like me!

*A big thanks to Sibu Beauty for sponsoring this post.

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  1. Pam says:

    Thanks for sharing! Happy New Year pretty girl!
    xx Pam

  2. Akin Faminu says:

    Wow your blog is amazing.

  3. This looks like an amazing skincare line. Thanks for sharing and happy new year!

  4. melaniekay says:

    Looks like an amazing product, I love the pictures!
    Melanie @

  5. Sounds wonderful! I also like natural cosmetics.
    Happy New Year!:)

  6. Kristina says:

    you’re hair is so perfect! and absolutely yes to natural products

  7. Tailored and true says:

    Great post! Skin care success is so finicky, it’s always nice to hear about new products that could help!

  8. Stella says:

    Great advice! I have a horrible skin but I recently found a daily oil free face care by Neutrogena. And I really love it!!

  9. Kaley says:

    I’m going to have to look into this line – I have battled acne/skin issues since I was in 5th grade so I’m always looking for new products!!



    My Closet Life Blog

  10. Anouk says:

    Finding good products for your skin can be a challenge, I agree. Great to know that you are happy with Sibu products!

  11. Paola says:

    Interesting products!!!!
    Have a great start of the week!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  12. Jasmine says:

    thanks for sharing your tips I need to research more into these SIbu products

  13. Jane Fitfabfun says:

    Will look into the sibu ine…thank you for sharing this with us!
    xo, Jane

  14. Truly love your blog, is beautiful!

  15. Mapleandmint says:

    Loving these adorable photos!! I need those pajamas and the sunflowers are so cheery!

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