
Life Update!

August 1, 2019

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I'm Hayley — helping moms do more in every aspect of their life. Mom of 3, entrepreneur, and homeschooler!

Meet Hayley

Hi Friends! Long time no blog post!:)

I had a moment and wanted to update you guys about what’s been going on and share a few pictures. I’ve missed blogging and rarely find the time to sit down and write a proper post, so my blog is mainly for personal life tidbits now, but I’ll never stop blogging even if it’s so infrequent!

I thought I’d start in categories to catch you up!


Life has seriously improved in this area! Not this it was bad before per sey, but the stress level has decreased significantly. I share here and there in my vlogs how I’ve taken a step back from working as much and have been focusing on my girls. For the last 6 months Doug and I have watched them together and let me tell you, it was pure bliss! I’ve only now begun to really watch them allll day by myself and it’s been such a huge learning curve. At first I had a ton of anxiety about it. It was almost like Doug’s “paternity leave” never ended so the build up was more intense, but I’ve realized you have to build a tolerance to the chaos I guess;) And practice makes “perfect” when watching children! (although nothing is ever done perfectly!) We spend most of our days at the park or a toddler class and I love that Annabelle’s now bonding with her younger sister. She adores her!

It’s also so nice being around our parents and friends. Being able to call a close friend to come over on a moments notice was definitely taken for granted before moving to Charleston last year and I cherish every moment! We still aren’t sure where we will end up, but are thinking we will be here at least another year. My sister and her three kids also visited and stayed with us- it was the best time!


Ahh this subject. Sometimes I wish I was “just” a SAHM! I say “just” in air quotes because every SAHM knows its the HARDEST job in the world. I think that for a second and laugh at myself because I know how blessed I have it to be able to make money while being at home with my babies! If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll already have seen from my stories, but I’ve recently made the switch back to motherhood content (starting next week) while adding a new channel to the mix! The new channel will be mainly about entrepreneurial ventures and YouTube tips. This has been a long time coming, but I’m hoping to keep things more organized in this way.

I’m still watching my girls solo style, but will try and film videos here and there as much as I can for both! I’ve been completely lacking  on my channel. I have had no set hours or days where videos are promised to go live. I used to be so structured and had everything scheduled, but I’ve completely prioritized being a mother over everything. While that is in itself a good thing, I’ve felt so incomplete ever since having Scarlett. Like there’s been a huge void inside. I think it’s because I was telling myself I couldn’t “have it all” with kids. I have 2 really intense sides to myself. One side is yelling “Be a BOSS! Work hard! Don’t give up! Don’t quit! Put your blinders on!” and the other side is “Slow DOWN! Your kids are only tiny once! Relish the moments!” I’ve learned recently that I can’t silence either side. I just have to give into both at different times to feel whole and I guess thats ok. I’m not “just a mom” and I’m not a traditional “working mom”. I’m not going to use labels anymore. I now tell myself that I’m doing my best and that’s all I can do!

Mind & Body

This area has been seriously lacking. For some reason this time around since I’m exclusively breastfeeding I want to eat everything in sight! I’m back down to my pre-pregnancy weight, but still don’t feel fit. I used to worry a bit more about my weight after I had Annabelle and now I just don’t have the mental capacity to care. That sounds horrible, but there’s just too much going on with life! The only thing that bothers me is my crazy postpartum hair loss, which I can’t do much about. Although I did buy a pack of 12 knotted headbands from Amazon that I’ve been wearing daily;)

Mentally I FINALLY feel like I’m coming out of this postpartum fog! Having Scarlett just under 2 years apart from Annabelle was such a shock to the entire family. I’m not sure I’d choose such a small age gap again! Although there has been some trying times adjusting to a new baby, it’s been totally worth the added stress. They are finally playing together and I can see the light! My goals for this month is to actively seek out a new Church as a family. I really want to raise my kids in a Church like I was and Doug’s on board. I think it should be our #1 priority.

I also have printed out and on the fridge our weekly schedule to hold us accountable. I want to give Doug all the time during the week to pursue his goals. For a while I could sense he was going a bit stir crazy at home with the girls. I’m not sure men are easily equipped to deal with it, at least multitasking isn’t his strongest skill;)

That’s all for now! Stay tuned for my second channel announcement and link! Thank you all for the amazing support you’ve given me. It means the world!

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  1. Melissa says:

    Exactly!! That’s all we can do as moms. Our best! Keep at it girl!! I admire your strong work ethic and amazing mothering skills as well. I’ve always felt like you were a friend I could be encouraged by and even “struggle” along with as we learn about motherhood. I had my first baby just a few months after Annabelle was born and then now my second this past month. I’ve seen everything coming up for me but with boys instead! Please remember that you can never possibly please everyone on social media. People are nuts lol I’m sure you know that, though. I just want to encourage you to keep going strong! I’m going to stick with you because your type of passion in life is rare. I’ll pray y’all can find a great church home very soon as I too think that is very important. Love ya girl. Even though I’ve never met you. I want you to know that I consider you a friend.

  2. Maureen says:

    You are doing great Hailey. Don’t ever forget that. As a mom, I know it’s easy because life is so busy and there’s never a time to slow down but I do know that what we provide our kids are priceless. The lessons, the love, everything…it’s all worth it. But guess what? I can only say that because my son is now five and easier to handle. At least he can communicate with me and tell me his feelings as opposed to when he was a baby and all I heard was crying. Now that we can chat, he gives motherhood a whole new meaning. Stay strong but also know when to throw in the towel. We can try to do it all but what’s the fun in that when we can be a team. That’s what I tell my hubby and son and we all pitch in together. Happy Tuesday and welcome back!

    Maureen |

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