

November 5, 2018

tell me more

I'm Hayley โ€” helping moms do more in every aspect of their life. Mom of 3, entrepreneur, and homeschooler!

Meet Hayley

Hi Friends! I feel like I haven’t written a life update blog post in soooo long and there are so many things I want to update my blog readers about. I always say this, but THANK YOU for taking the time to read my blog! It’s where I post my most intimate thoughts without fear of criticism or judgement. You guys truly are the best. I honestly didn’t plan this blog post at all, but I have a free moment while my parents are taking Annabelle to the park, so here are a few things bouncing around in my head…


I’m 40 weeks pregnant tomorrow! Still no real signs of labor though. I’ll update you guys on Instastories once I do go into labor! I’m so excited, but a little nervous that nothing will be ready once it does happen though. All our bags are packed, but I’m scared I’ll forget something! I’m not as worried about leaving Annabelle because she’s still obsessed with my parents! She has more fun with them than me and Doug, ha. I’m sure I’ll still have a nervous breakdown once it all happens though! lol


I’m so thrilled with the new change on my channel. Like I said in a video, I was nervous at first, but I’m still so happy I did it. A lot of people were upset I archived the Facebook group, but I had to remind myself that it was just too much to manage with all my other platforms. As much as I loved the group, no one but Doug understood the work load that comes with growing yet another platform so although I know it helped a lot of people, I had to do it to save my sanity. It’s just not something anyone could understand unless they went through it themselves. Other than that, I know I’m definitely in a transition period with my channel. Changing my content, switching my blog, rebranding, etc…it’s all a work in progress. If I had my life in order everything would have been done at one time (as in a “launch”), but with having a newborn and moving across country again, I just don’t have the time to dedicate to switching everything over seamlessly. A few of my followers assumed I’d never be posting “Mommy content” again even though I did state I’d still vlog here and there plus do a birth vlog! I still love sharing my life, I just want to do it in a way where I’m inspiring and motivating people. It’s not as easy to change content within a few days, change contracts with existing sponsors, and manage every platform perfectly. It’s pretty intense. There’s a side to this business that seems so easy and the reality where it’s much more ‘business-like’ than Youtubers let on. If only you knew! Well, that’s one avenue of my new content I want to expose because I feel it can help a lot of newer influencers. Anyways, I’m rambling, but I’m so thankful you have stuck with me through this phase! I want to remain as relatable as I can while providing life changing value to other stay at home Mom’s lives.ย 


We have already started scouting out houses (and minivans!!!!) for our big move! We’re hoping to move one month after the baby is born, but who knows. My parents have only really been here a day and a half and Doug, Annabelle, and I are SOOO happy. This sounds cheesy, but family is everything. I NEED to live near my parents. They are my best friends and I’m my true self when they are around. They are so supportive, understanding, and the most giving people I’ve ever met. We are planning on living near them when we move back so we can all work together on our businesses back in California. I’ve already mentioned this in a video, but our biggest goal for next year is to retire my parents so they can help us run our businesses and be there for our children. I get so excited thinking this day is near!! The power of running an online business is truly life changing, which is why I desperately want to share every step along the way with you all.

That’s it for today’s short blog post! I’m trying to hustle to get all my work done so I can take a week off after the baby gets here! Please pray for our little family and thank you ALL for your constant love and support! <3

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  1. xomrsmarcxo says:

    Love following along with you with all of your differnet types of videos and posts!!! Hope everything goes amazing with the birth, obviously it will!!!

  2. Marta says:

    I absolutely love your new content! I recently started a blog and I am learning a lot of great tips from you. Thank you for sharing! Wishing you an easy labor and quick recovery.

  3. Lerence Lubigan says:

    Wishing you the all the best Hayley!! I’ve been following you for 2 years. My daughter was born October 2016, so we were pregnant at the same time. Love reading your blog and your honesty. Can’t wait to see your family and business grow!!

  4. Tammi says:

    Thank you for keeping us updated. Yes, you are right that family IS everything. Keeping you in my prayers for a safe, “easy” delivery and healthy baby. I’ll say to you what my son texted me first thing this morning. “Be successful, productive, and take care of yourself.” ๐Ÿ™‚ Mainly, just take care of yourself. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Cindy says:

    I love your new content! โค๏ธ

  6. Victoria says:

    Eeep, this is so exciting! I just now have the ability to sit down and catch up on my blog reading and I’ve clearly missed out on a LOT because what, hello baby! So exciting! I can’t wait to see how everything unfolds ๐Ÿ™‚

    xo, Victoria

  7. Olesia says:

    I’ve recently found you on YouTube and was super excited to see that you had a blog. I was quick to click on it before finishing your video I have to admit ๐Ÿ˜› But, not before subscribing of course!

    I read a few of your posts as well and I have decided I will stick around. I love you!

    Congratulations on your new baby that’s coming! I will definitely be checking back to hear about the baby!

    P.s I also added your blog to my Blogroll on my blog as well. I’ve been blogging since 2010 but took a break for a few years. Just started back up again.

  8. Megan says:

    Your baby girl is absolutely gorgeous.

  9. Kelly-Belly says:

    Hope all goes well with the birth. Thinking about you! ๐Ÿ™‚

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