

September 1, 2014

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I'm Hayley — helping moms do more in every aspect of their life. Mom of 3, entrepreneur, and homeschooler!

Meet Hayley








Nike Flex Runs (Similar)/ Philips Earbuds (the BEST because they go around your ear and don’t fall out!)/ iPhone Armband/Lululemon Jacket (Similar)/ Lululemon Wonder Under Cropped Pants (My FAV!)

Working out isn’t always my favorite thing to do, but lately I’ve really gotten into portioning my sizes and trying to do some sort of exercise when I hang out with my boyfriend. I really do feel much better about myself since I’ve made it a point to eat better and stay active. Here’s some tips on how I got a lot healthier and what may work for you as well:

1. Wear workout gear more often than not. Much of my free time is spent hanging out with Doug/working on my blog. I love to dress up (obviously), but it hinders me from doing anything active because what I wear isn’t always jogging/walking appropriate. Our new pact together is to always come over in workout attire, so we are always ready to go to the gym or on a quick jog after dinner.

2. Make a checklist and refer to it regularly. Here’s one I’m working on at the moment:

Per Day:

100 lunges(50 in the am, 50 in the pm)

200 reps of ab exercises throughout the day: sit ups, bicycles, crunches, 30 second plank (usually rotating between exercises each day to mix it up)

200 reps of arm exercises (dumbbell curls, forearm plank, chair dips, hover rotations)

Trust me, these aren’t easy…especially for beginners, but doing these simple workouts (even with less reps), can really make you feel better by the end of week 1! And having that piece of cake and ice-cream won’t feel as bad.

Three days a week:

60 minutes of cardio. Even if its just going on a walk to the store or with my dog, I try and fit it in somewhere! I used to run track in high school and that was when I was the most physically fit. Running increases endorphins and propels you to eat less over time. It’s a great alternative to de-stress and focus on yourself for a bit. It’s amazing what running after just a week can do for your body and mental state.

3. Check the scale. I know most women would kill me for saying this, but I think I’m okay in saying this because by all means I’m not blessed with skinny genes. For months I would never weigh myself, which may contribute to a partial weight gain. I was keeping myself in the dark and although you may be able to “feel” a certain way (aka healthy or unfit), you truly don’t know where you stand unless you measure your body.

4. Focus on activity. Notice I haven’t mentioned anything about food. That’s because whenever I’m the most physically fit, I’m not so much worried about what I eat. I am so focused on running and being active that nothing else matters. My theory is pretty simple. For a person to actually get up and move their body after ignoring it for so long really takes a lot…mentally and physically. When I push myself to workout, I don’t crave the same normal junks foods anymore. I think that’s because I don’t want my workout to go to waste. So for now, I’d suggest focusing on one thing at a time and maybe incorporate portion sizes and fat control after a few weeks of getting into the groove of fitness again.

5. Take it in baby steps. Nothing drastic is going to happen over night, or even in a week. Work on focusing on the healthy aspect of it, rather than how you look on the outside.

Here’s my Spotify playlist for that extra boost of energy when working out and check back Wednesday for Part2: Nutrition!

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  1. Lululemon is the top of the top!


  2. Lululemon is the top of the top!


  3. Morgan says:

    You go girl! It is so easy to fall out of a routine, but getting back into it is the best!

  4. Morgan says:

    You go girl! It is so easy to fall out of a routine, but getting back into it is the best!

  5. amy loochtan says:

    Great tips and cute workout gear!


  6. amy loochtan says:

    Great tips and cute workout gear!


  7. […] Hope you all have a wonderful week and check out Part 1 to the Healthy, Happy, Hungry series about Fitness here! […]

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