

December 31, 2017

tell me more

I'm Hayley — helping moms do more in every aspect of their life. Mom of 3, entrepreneur, and homeschooler!

Meet Hayley

I can’t hardly believe this day has finally come (video here)!! Doug and I have worked so hard on our new Mom and baby brand over the last five months and I’ve been dying to tell you all for so long. If you’ve been watching my vlogs for a while, you’ll know I’m pretty much an open book, except for the last few months I’ve posted less and have been more closed off. It’s been killing me! Now that we’ve let you all know we’re moving across country to Charleston, SC (a new blog post on that soon) and have started this new business, I’m sure you’ll understand why. Youtube and blogging takes up A LOT of time. It takes hours to edit one video sometimes and filming takes a while too. That on top of answering emails and doing admin tasks can get overwhelming, especially for a SAHM. So something had to give for me to be able to help Doug in managing moving and our new business. I hope you all understand! With that being said, I’ll be back in full force on my channel in January and Doug will be taking over most of the admin tasks;) Anyways, more on our new brand!Our new brand is called Belle & Baby. Belle is known for being “a beautiful girl or women” so I thought that was perfect as it’s apart of Annabelle’s name and I’d like to think of our community of Moms as such. I knew I wanted to start a Mom and baby brand from those first early months of having Annabelle. At the time I was on a budget and didn’t want to sacrifice style. I was looking for functional, everyday items that were trendy and affordable and let me tell you, they are hard to come by! As so many of you know who follow my channel, breastfeeding was a huge hurdle for me in the beginning so I went to look for nursing covers that were multipurpose and they were all so plain looking. We then had the idea to create our own! OF COURSE I had to find a way to sell them first on Amazon (you all know my addiction) and I wanted fast, free shipping so we are selling on Prime too!:)
Annabelle Cover (left) | Juliette Cover (right)

We came out with two different prints, the ‘Annabelle’ with tiny flower buds and the ‘Juliette’, which is a bolder pattern. The best part about them is their multipurpose function. Firstly, they are a baby carseat cover for infant seats. We’ve tested them on multiple different seats and they stretch to fit all sizes. They also have breathable cotton fabric so you can use them in hot or humid climates without your baby getting too hot.  Their second function is probably the one we use most these days as Annabelle is older and it’s a highchair cover. It fits perfectly over any highchair so babies don’t touch any germs from previous children.We also LOVE to use it as a shopping cart cover. Although the image above shows Annabelle on a smaller cart, we’ve tested them on all different sized carts (Costco with huge carts, Target with big plastic ones, and smaller/mid sized carts at drugstores) and they stretch to fit all carts comfortably and don’t fall off.They are also perfect nursing covers if you want to be a bit discreet in public. As I mentioned before, a big criteria I had for this product from the very beginning was that the fabric was breathable. I’ve used blankets to nurse in public before and either myself or Annabelle would rip them off in an instant because they were much too hot, but with this cover you don’t have to! It’s super lightweight so you can use it in warmer climates.
Since the pattern is so cute, they are also great wrap scarves for the fall and winter! You are able to wrap it once as shown above or twice for a tighter fit.

This product is truly something Doug and I use almost everyday. I have one in my car for highchairs and as a shopping cart cover, one in my diaper backpack as a nursing cover, and one as a blanket in Annabelle’s stroller for walks (or it can be used as a swaddle). It’s something Doug and I stand by 100% and really do use multiple times throughout the week. It’s one of those items I would purchase for a friend if she had a new baby because it grows with your baby from infancy to toddlerhood.

If you can’t tell, I’m beyond thrilled to be sharing this new journey with you guys. Many of you have all been with me from the very start and I’m so humbled that you’ve followed us for this long. Creating products is truly something I’ve always wanted to do, I was just never sure of where to start or what to start with. I’m so thankful to have Doug helping me along the way. It’s for sure been a learning process for both of us as we’ve never worked together before, but I’m excited to continue on in creating things that you all can use! I truly want this brand to be a joint effort from all of you and us as well. I’m always going to ask which patterns you prefer, which products you like better, or what we should come out with next. Thank you again for your continued support. You mean the world to me! xx

*I know that I have readers/viewers from all over the world, which I’m beyond grateful for. As we are a new brand, right now we are only selling within the United States, but I promise I haven’t forgotten about my followers in all other parts of the world! We are starting on Amazon, but in the future will be selling on our own site ( and to multiple countries so stay tuned! xx

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  1. Paris Jerry says:

    This is so exciting! Congrats!

  2. Erin says:

    Congratulations! I am so excited for you. So many amazing things for you, Doug and Annabelle this year

  3. Karlee Walsh says:

    Great job guys! It’s wonderful to see your hard work pay off! Keep it up, these look fantastic and so versatile! I would love to win one ?

  4. Audrey St-Martin says:

    I’m so excited!!! ?? You guys have such great ideas ?

  5. Paula Thomas says:

    Well done Hayley and Doug. I’m beyond please for you. You work so hard. I wish you every success on your new venture/adventure. I’m looking forward to the move also! Take as much time as you need. We will all be here waiting. ??

  6. Maria Rizo says:

    I started watching ya’ll when I found out I was pregnant and fell in love with your videos!
    Your little family is such an inspiration!
    I’m so happy at your success so far! Love the prints!

  7. Melissa says:

    So happy for y’all! These are beautiful!!

  8. These are so amazing!!!! If I still had a baby, or knew someone with a baby I would totally get one! And keeping in my mind for future fo sho!!!!

  9. Jennifer says:

    You go girl!

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