
An Intro To Hayley Paige Blogs + Giveaway

November 23, 2016

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I'm Hayley — helping moms do more in every aspect of their life. Mom of 3, entrepreneur, and homeschooler!

Meet Hayley


*Watch the full video here

I cannot tell you how overjoyed I am to write this post and make my new site live! This has been a long time coming and if you’ve been following Daily Dose of Darling since the beginning, then you probably would have seen this as a natural transition. I’ve written about this topic in the past, but this year it really hit home for me. I started blogging towards the end of 2013, my junior year of college. I had no idea what I was getting myself into and the thought of publishing personal topics about myself had always scared me so I stuck with fashion and beauty posts for years. It wasn’t until I really started posting videos on my Youtube channel this year that it hit me…people want more. There seems to be an oversaturated amount of content on the Internet and on social media of girls looking their very best and promoting an unattainable lifestyle that regular woman just can’t live up to (like myself). After a while I became tired of it all. I would find myself mulling over hundreds of perfectly curated images of bloggers who spent hours finding the perfect lighting, perfect background, perfect outfit, and perfect aesthetic. It seemed so unattainable coming out of college and wanting to start a career for myself that after a while I gave up on everything. I stopped making content I was passionate about and began going through the motions of what I thought was “on trend” or posts that I thought people wanted to see. I started writing and posting purely as a blogger and no longer as myself. My aspiration for this unattainable lifestyle that no one truly lives took over my blog and it stopped becoming my passion. I dreaded taking outfit photos, product shots, writing posts, or even working with brands because it started to feel more like a job and less like my passion as it had started. Sometimes working for yourself can be tricky because the more you work, the more opportunities come your way, the more connections you gain, and the more income you generate. After a while all of that plateaued and I became at a standstill so I decided that I would focus my attention to my Youtube channel. After about a few months of growing my audience, things started to grow rapidly and I no longer felt this void of interaction and a need to try and be someone that I wasn’t. I found so much more happiness in being myself and once I fully opened up to my audience, they connected with me ten times more. We became a small community of like-minded thinkers and people from all over the world who were going through a lot of the same things – dating, marriage, pregnancy, budgeting, choosing a career, being a good wife, etc. All of these topics resonated with my audience and I never thought that was possible, which is why I decided to start a new blog that better represents the content I want to continue sharing. Daily Dose of Darling for me represented an unrealistic version of my life. With my new blog I want to be as relatable and transparent as I possibly can. I want to write about topics that people actually deal with on a daily basis and fun topics too!

So welcome to my new blog! A few things have changed that I wanted to introduce you to. First off, I’ve started a newsletter that will go out once a week (I promise I won’t spam you;) that will feature a topical Q&A, giveaways, and life updates that will only be shown on the newsletter. So sign up here if you’re interested!

I will also be posting more meaningful content like I’ve mentioned. From topics on personal struggles, parenting, navigating motherhood for the first time, marriage, tried and true recipes, and of course outfits and beauty posts too. Let me know which topics interest you most below!

Create your own user feedback survey

Thank you again for taking the time to check out my little corner of the Internet. Whether it’s my through my videos, blog, or social media, I truly appreciate every comment, email, like and reply.


TO WIN: Duffield Lane Polly Pullover Jacket c/o

1. Comment on this blog post below.

2. Subscribe to my newsletter here!

*The winner will be announced on my Twitter on 11/28.


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  1. Valencia says:

    I’ve been in the process of “trying” to start my blog for months now. You’ve been providing me with so many helpful tips! ❤️

  2. Lauren says:

    I’ve followed a lot of bloggers in the past, but yours is by far my favorite. Mainly because you’re so interactive with your followers and you really want to create content that we would like to see. You’re just very relatable and I think that’s why I enjoy reading your blog and watching your videos.

  3. Jennifer says:

    Loving the top Hayley!

  4. Zarina Marie Patricia says:

    I’ve been loving reading your new/old blog posts, i love your youth channel too and feel like i can really relate, I’m also having a baby and in the middle of designing my blog so its super nice to see all your updates/tips etc.
    Thanks Hayley x

  5. Zarina Marie Patricia says:

    youtube * lol

  6. Marina says:

    I love your blog and I have watched all of your YouTube videos (I’m obsessed) They are super helpful and you can tell how much time and effort you put in every single one. The quality of your pictures and videos are #goals and I’m really excited to participate in this giveaway. I hope you’re having an awesome day and thank you for sharing so many awesome experiences with us.

  7. Laura Berry says:

    So excited for your newsletters! Xoxo

  8. Hannah Will says:

    I’m so excited about your new blog Hayley! I’ve been watching your YouTube channel for so long. I tend to go through phases with YouTubers but I never get tired of your videos!:) As a blogger myself, I understand the struggle of feeling like you need to be perfect. I would honestly much rather read someone’s blog or watch someone’s videos who was completely real with their audience, like you! xo Hannah
    p.s cutest pullover ever!!

    The Daily Delicacy

  9. Nereida Cortez says:

    I love your videos and blog so much. You are so genuine and relatable! ??

  10. Joanne says:

    Dang! I don’t have twitter..LOL Post the winner on all your social media outlets, who knows I might be the winner. 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving to you Doug and baby girl in the belly!

  11. I am so excited to follow your blog! I found you through your Blogging Series on YouTube. I have been blogging for two years now (I started my junior year in college too!) and I am really looking to grow my audience and make it more of my second career outside of being a fourth grade teacher. I love, love, love your content and can’t wait to see what you have in store for us (:

  12. Meaghan says:

    Hey Hayley! Your blog looks amazing and I’m excited to sign up for your newsletter. You’re so relatable and down to earth. It’s honestly so refreshing! You’re definitely inspiring me to start my own blog and see where it goes!

  13. Shelby says:

    Congrats twinn! Already loving the new website!!

  14. I have a blog but am having a hard time figuring out how to get my content out there! I do beauty and fashion as a hobby as well as being a busy college student. I love blogging, and would like to also do it full time since i am going into PR for my degree. You’re an inspiration Hayley!

  15. Megan Ferneyhough says:

    Wow!!! I just checked out the new blog and I love it Hayley!! I’ve been following you on YouTube for about a year and a half now and just decided to check out the blog again! I really enjoy the new content, I will definitely be checking the blog more often!!! Also please do vlogmas, seeing you and Doug in the blogs just makes me so happy! I love how real you both are, and I also love feeling like I am part of your life. Can’t wait for to see what other content you bring to both of your platforms! Happy Holidays!!!!


  16. Sharon D Hughes says:

    I have been watching you since you became pregnant. What amazes me is how much more you have matured with each passing week! You sometimes come across as a bit scatterbrained….but folks should really listen to you….even in your most scattered of times you make a lot of sense…..loving your blog and youtube!

  17. Giavonna R Hillman says:

    So looking forward to your Newsletter. I love your lifestyle videos/posts and especially your Blogger series! That wasn’t how I found your channel, but it is my favorite! So helpful.


  18. Erin says:

    You’ve become my new favorite youtuber/blogger! I love how relatable you are.

  19. Jordyn Crotts says:

    I watch your youtube videos and I love your content on there, as well as your blog. I love how interactive and open you are with your viewers! 🙂

  20. Cat says:

    So excited to see you grow your blog and channel. I have been following your blog/YouTube tips and I have found them extremely useful. Thanks so much!! XO

  21. Cari A says:

    Great job on the new blog!!! It really shows how hard you’ve worked!!!

  22. Sanjana says:

    Thank you for all the BLOGGING Tips from here and from YouTube they are really helping!!!!

  23. So excited to see you grow, I remember watching you on your old vlog channel! I enjoy watching your videos daily and I cannot wait until your little one comes so we can all see her on the vlogs!

  24. Korina Gray says:

    I’ve been trying to start s blog forever but always seem to fail. I love your new site!

  25. Kerstin says:

    Loving your new blog and can’t wait to read the newsletter! I really enjoy watching your videos as well!

  26. Sara says:

    I’ve been following you for a while now and really love how genuine and level headed you (and Doug!) are even being a California couple haha. 😀 And I’m even more excited as you guys embark parenthood to see you grow and mature and face that adventure. It feels like my friend is about to have a baby and I’m so happy for her!

  27. Evelyn Mc Neil says:

    Congrats on your new blog, looks great! Love watching you and Doug on YouTube! Looking forward to seeing you both with your baby girl, so excited!!!

  28. Samantha says:

    Love your youtube channel and your new blog!

  29. Naomi says:

    I would love to see topics on living in L.A. and raising and caring for a newborn.

  30. Emily says:

    coming over from your youtube channel- i love your blog! the aesthetic is perfection and i learn so much from your videos even though I’m not a youtuber/blogger! can’t wait to see how your blog will evolve!!

  31. Joeline Chavez says:

    Hayley, I love your YouTube Channel! I’m really excited to follow your new blog and to receive your weekly newsletter! =)

  32. semi.os says:

    Truthfully i only got to know about your blog when i was searching on YouTube for videos on tips for starting a blog. I decided to link up with the bloggers whose videos i had watched ( yours included:) ) which is why I’m on your blog now.
    I love the fact that you’re not afraid to do what it takes to make you happy.
    A lot of people get lost ( and stay lost) in the the process of increasing their fanbase and getting huge amounts of reads on their blogs.
    I’m glad that you had the courage to stand by your will and not let the chains of pleasing others solely take the reins of your life.
    I also love love the layout of your blog- it really has a homey feel to it, the kind that makes you want to put your feet up and just chill.
    Well bye and good job!

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