

February 21, 2018

tell me more

I'm Hayley — helping moms do more in every aspect of their life. Mom of 3, entrepreneur, and homeschooler!

Meet Hayley

Hi fellow book lovers! If you watched this vlog, then you’ll already know that I started a podcast/book club! Each month I’ll announce a book or podcast and at the end of the month I’ll discuss it in either a Youtube live, on my blog, or in a Vlog:) I’m SO excited. Truly, books and podcasts have changed my life. They’ve led me to be more productive, given me the motivation to start my own business with Doug, and opened my eyes to a different world – for the better!^Source

As a forewarning, the selections will be entrepreneur focused, motivational books/podcasts. They won’t be fiction books or novels. These are geared towards making a better life for you and your family. Who is ready to turn off Netflix for the next month, lessen beauty videos when you get ready in the morning, and insight actual change in your life? Are you ready? Lets do this together! I want to create a memorable life. One where I don’t regret not taking action in six months, one year, or five years. A life that my children will be inspired by and one that is against the norm of working 8-5 for the next 40 years+. How do we do this? We read. Read. Read. Read. Tony Robbins didn’t get his fortune and success out of thin air. He read about successful people and emulated their habits and patterns. The one overarching daily routine successful people have is reading. They read on average 5 books a month!! No Netflix. No scrolling Instagram for an hour at night. They read about what works for other people and how they can do the same.

This is hard. It’s hard to change your daily habits. I used to watch Netflix 2+ hours at night, wake up to beauty tutorials while getting ready, and go to sleep to endless scrolling on Instagram. Why? It’s mind NUMBING. It’s easy to ignore your wants and desires and suppress them with  social media. WHY DO WE DO THIS? Because it’s easier to not work. To not seek inspiration. To not think outside our bubble. Do what everyone else is doing. NO MORE!! You have to go against the grain to find true happiness. Succumbing to the sheep life isn’t for me and I know for a lot of you, it’s not your calling either. If that’s you, this book is for you!

February’s Book:

The Four Hour Work Week

**The Hoopla or Overdrive App lets you get the book for FREE!! You just need a library card. No excuses 😉 OR you can listen to the audio book on Youtube for FREE!

I’ve already read half of this book and it’s already opened my eyes and changed my life. You NEED to read it. It’s against everything we are taught in society, but it’s for open minded thinkers. WARNING: If you are against change, then this book isn’t for you. Try and read it with an open mind and ignore the vulgarity in the book. It’s worth it!

Discussion will be March 3rd and I’ll announce what platform on Instastories! Also, I announced the book a bit late in the month, but for next month, I’ll announce it on March 3rd and you’ll have the whole month to read it! For me to finish this month’s book, I’ve given myself a goal to read 10 pages a night. Seems doable when you break it down! xx

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  1. Yes ?? yes ?? YES! This is a great book! My husband is obsessed with motivational books, so our entire audible account is full of them! Getting in this mindset really does transform your life for the better! You create the life you want to live and you do NOT have to fall into a job you hate. Life is too short! I know it’s probably hard to limit time on social media, especially when it is part of your job, so good for you for recognizing the effects it can have on you. Inspiring! ?

  2. Callie S. says:

    My goal this year was to read more books and stay off my socials at night. I do allow myself to watch youtube videos on weekends and things but I was like you..2-3 hours a night was spent on my phone :O I want to stay away from that and get outside and do more things and get lost in a book each night! I’ll have to put this one on my list 🙂 Thanks!

  3. Julia Baker says:

    I am SO excited about this! Such a great idea :). I just started the book! You’ve inspired me to cut down on Netflix and YouTube :).

  4. Rachel says:

    I am LOVING your new content! I don’t read many blogs these days but I’ve been so excited to click through to your last few blog posts. I’m so glad I found your channel, I wasn’t sure why I liked it so much at first because it didn’t seem like we had too much in common besides attachment parenting but now it all makes sense, haha!

    I read the 4-hour workweek years ago, it’s a great book. it was one of the things that inspired me to leave my job and go traveling and start working for myself. I think i might read it again – will be interesting to see how it’s aged! I actually read a lot or used to but now I’m so tired with the baby at night I fall asleep after a few pages! However I’ve gone back to reading books while I’m breastfeeding instead of scrolling through instagram for hours – as you said it’s mind numbing and NEVER ENDING!! I give myself 10 minutes now and that’s it 😉

  5. Madelyn says:

    This blog post was exactly what I needed to get motivated! I can’t wait to read “The 4 Hour Workweek.” I want to go against the grain and learn from others’ success so I can take steps in that direction as well. If that means turning off Netflix and YouTube, I’m doing it!

  6. Gloria S. says:

    Hayley I love your blog and channel so much. You love beauty and fashion but are also business savvy and very driven. I love how you are shifting your focus more on this area of your life (entrepreneur mindset) and that you are sharing what you learn with us. I hate to say this but I have a hard time meeting other women who have this balance. You are very inspiring!

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