Lately, life has been a bit crazy since starting Vlogtober so I haven’t gotten around to blogging much, but it is my one true love and I’ll never give it up! Even though people nowadays prefer video;) I haven’t done one of these posts in forever so I wanted to share a few of my current favorite things.My new short hair! Seriously, not wearing extensions is AMAZING! It’s so much thicker than ever before. I asked for no layers so it’s extra thick at the bottom when it grows out.
*Wearing this top (40% off)
Now that fall is here, I’ve already made these cookies 3 times. Twice for Doug and I and once to bring to our friends when we went apple picking! Everyone’s always asking for more;) I always get asked that since there is peanut butter in the recipe if they are peanut butter cookies and no they aren’t! They are chocolate chip with just a tiny hint of peanut butter:) I’m not really a fan of plain peanut butter cookies! Gotta have my chocolate;)
Going to the park with Annabelle! Now that she laughs are pretty much anything I do (I guess I’m that funny?;), playing with her on the playground is soooo fun! She loves seeing the other kids and imitating them!
I know this is another indulgent recipe but doesn’t fall make you want to eat? No one? Okay, it’s just me;) It makes me want chili, soups, PSLs, baked goods, etc.! I made this banana bread for my Dad’s birthday and it’s the best ever! It has sour cream in the recipe that makes all the difference!
Annabelle’s head has finally grown to the size where she can fit into all her bows! It’s funny because when I was pregnant I never thought about if her head would fit into her bows or not. I just assumed all babies heads were about the same and then so many of her bows were either way too big or way too small and now they fit just right! A few of my FAV bow shops on Etsy are here, here, here, and here!
Annabelle looks so adorable on that photo in the swing chair and your banana bread looks super delish!
Banana bread is my husbands favorite thing in the world! I’ll definitely have to try to make this one soon. Annabelle is such a cutie!
Hope // Miss Hope Elizabeth
Love your hair!! It’s the best feeling having it cut short!
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Thank you once again!