

March 1, 2018

tell me more

I'm Hayley — helping moms do more in every aspect of their life. Mom of 3, entrepreneur, and homeschooler!

Meet Hayley

I received such positive feedback on my last “behind the gram” post, that I thought I’d do another! Today Doug, Annabelle, and I are actually flying to Virginia (our first time) for Doug’s brothers wedding. So exciting! We’re heading to Alexandria then road tripping to Charlottesville. Apparently it’s at the most beautiful winery and we are so excited to spend some quality time with Doug’s side of the family as we don’t see them as often as we’d like since they live in Northern California. Anyways, onto today’s post!

When I was looking for Instagram photos for this post, I knew I HAD to use this one because it makes me almost laugh out loud. First off, what you don’t see, are the sweats I pushed down to my ankles because it was freezing that day at my parents house, but this picture was for a partnership with a brand so that’s why I had to wear this dress! I hid my sweats for a gif my Mom took in our backyard and put them right back on afterwards. The funny part was that I accidentally sent the full sized gif without cropping it to the brand. My contact laughed so hard! Embarrassing! Oh well, anything for the picture;)

^note the sweats lol

Okay so I’m going to be 100% real with you guys and I know some reading this will roll their eyes because my job on Youtube/blog/Instagram seems like a piece of cake and requires little work, but whatever, I’m going to say this anyways! When you juggle being a SAHM with being a wife and running two businesses (well 1.5 with Belle and Baby haha), it gets to be a lot. Especially since I haven’t hired anyone yet. Doug does work from home so I still do a lot of things on my own and that means juggling my emails night and day with creating content for brands and working on new products for our business. It can be a lot! I hate to say it, but before moving to Charleston I was highlyyyyy stressed. Like ALL THE TIME. I had deadlines I wasn’t meeting, opportunities were passing me by, and I still wanted to be there for Annabelle 24/7 without any distractions.

90% of our weekends were spent working on projects and we never got any downtime for a good few months. Something had to give! I started reading this book and everything has gotten 10x better. I’ve learned to only take on things that truly make a difference for my brand and block off time in the week to work by myself, only tackling the top priority items first. I found that for months I would do busy work to put off the inevitably time consuming and daunting tasks because I was so overwhelmed, so in turn, nothing of importance would get done. I’ve reversed that and now I feel so much more on top of things!

There are still days where work piles up and that was the day above. We went to shoot for a campaign and there were gnats EVERYWHERE. If you know Doug, he hates bugs. I know, you’re probably LOLing because we live in the South now, but this is a new thing I’ve learned about him -__- ha! Annabelle didn’t want to be put down because she was tired, but we had to film the intro and broll stills for this video and it was almost impossible because she kept screeching and there were bugs everywhere. It was misery! It was one of the days where I wanted to call quits on the whole thing, but I knew I couldn’t. So yeah, the basis of this little rant was that it’s impossible to know what goes on behind the scenes of videos/photos. The more patient the creator is and the more time they have the better content! Maybe I’ll get there one day! ha

This was our first, true introduction to the South. Something amazing happens when you move to a place where you know no one. You want to feel apart of the community so you try a bunch of different things/experiences! We went to an oyster shucking festival and I’m so proud of Doug for trying 3 oysters! Even though he wasn’t a fan haha It was pouring rain this day and Annabelle wanted nothing to do with the oysters so we were barely there. It was such a magical experience as it was on a huge plantation. What you don’t see were all the Southerners not afraid of rain, shucking oysters without umbrellas while drinking their beer in koozies/ coolers. How much more Southern can you get?

I literally took this picture out of the window of a moving car as we were driving through the streets of Old Mount Pleasant. How picturesque! I got lucky with this one. The houses are to die for here. It never gets old.

That’s it for today’s post! Thank you all so much for following along on our little journey! xx


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  1. Emma says:

    Yep love these posts! ?? Love knowing the real deal/BTS stuff.

  2. Madelyn says:

    I really enjoy these posts! It’s like you’re giving your readers an exclusive behind-the-scenes look. The story about your sweatpants had me laughing so hard! So relatable. 😉

  3. Amanda says:

    So relatable! Loved the realness of this post ?

  4. Cayce says:

    Love the sweatpants story. These posts are my fave because I love seeing the behind the scenes xx

  5. Rudolf says:

    Thanks so much for another wonderful book review!

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