The weather has finally been warming up in Charleston (que the angels singing!!). I couldn’t take the cold weather any longer! I know for some of you living in places where it’s 30 degrees (my sister’s laughing at me from Memphis) you are shaking your heads, but I’ve rarely ever been in the cold. Usually I only experience snow once a year on a trip and it rarely ever got below 60 degrees in Manhattan Beach. When we first moved here I had to buy more socks because I only had 5 ankle socks! It sounds strange but for the first time in my life I had to wear socks indoors…
Shoes c/o | Dress c/o Pink Blush (Different Print) | Bracelets | Necklace (Similar)
It’s funny though because although the temps rose to 70 degrees last week it felt hotter because of the humidity in the air. Even though it has barely reached 70, I can already feel the balmy breeze and my baby hairs starting to frizz up. It’s so nice to be able to sit on our porch and soak in the sunshine! As much as I love a nice rainy day, they aren’t as ideal when you have a baby to entertain 24/7;)
I got this dress from Pink Blush and it reminded my why I love the warm weather so much – so I can wear dresses!!! The fabric is so soft and it hangs just right to flatter your body while still being comfortable. They have so many pretty prints out right now!
Annabelle just woke up when we took these pictures, hence her disheveled look. She loves to be rocked outside by Dadu after her nap. She’s grown quite attached to him ever since he stopped going in to work. He puts her to sleep and wakes her up everyday. One of the biggest reasons we moved here was so he could spend more time with her and it’s been 100% worth it!
I just realized I never showed you guys my balayage! It’s very subtle and appears more strong in these pictures because of how I edited them, but it’s definitely there. I just went in to blend my natural color and add small highlights and it came out perfect. I was so scared to get my hair dyed professionally because I’ve had such negative experiences in the past, but I found a lady here and she’s amazing!
I got the most comfortable shoes that I’ve been wearing nonstop! I love the look of a ballet slipper.
I can’t post without an awkward selfie while Doug holds out our giant camera;) Thanks so much for your comments on yesterday’s video! We will be filming a part 2 to the Q and A soon! xx
I love your dress! Perfect for spring! I’m happy too it’s warming up down here in the south. I can’t stand the cold either. 😉
Love the retro vibe of your photos, so pretty! Also, this dress was made for you to wear it and you and Doug look so beautiful and happy on that last photo!
Such a pretty outfit! Love the vibe of your pictures 🙂
Loving your blog posts and also love your edits!!
I’m so glad you’re enjoying the South! I live in Oklahoma and we’ve had icy precipitation & low temps in the teens lately. I personally love cold winter weather, but having an eight month old baby makes me wish for spring. I want to take her to the park and the zoo for the 1st time! Hurry up, springtime!?