

August 20, 2018

tell me more

I'm Hayley — helping moms do more in every aspect of their life. Mom of 3, entrepreneur, and homeschooler!

Meet Hayley

Yesterday was my baby shower for baby #2 (see vlog) and it was so much fun! For this baby shower, I knew we didn’t have a lot of time to plan it as we were only in California for a few weeks, so I wanted the venue to be “all inclusive” and take care of everything from decor to food and this tea house was perfect! I also recently had a few friends move out of California (sad times) so I knew it was going to be small as we did only girls. We actually had my sister’s second baby shower here and it was so beautiful!I’ve been a huge fan of “tea time” ever since college. It totally sounds like a Grandma thing to do, but if you’ve never experienced going to a tea house, I’d highly recommend! It’s so fun to get dressed up, wear cute hats (that they usually provide), and sip on tea, scones (with cream and jam), tea sandwiches, and dessert. Surprisingly, I actually got really full off this meal, which is hard to do these days!;)

I also wanted to share our invites because they were so perfect! I got them from Basic Invite,  which is a quick and easy way to receive customized invites for your wedding, baby shower, or other events along with cute business cards and Christmas cards . They offer unlimited color options with instant previews online right down to the littlest detail, custom samples before you place your final order, and over 40 different colors of envelopes. One of my favorite features on their site is the different foil options they offer which would be perfect especially for wedding invites. (Basic Invite is offering 15% off with coupon code: 15FF51)

My BFF Shelby actually planned all the games and decor and it was perfect! She got everything either from Target or Home Goods. I also loved our dresses! Wrap dresses are so flattering, especially in your third trimester. Mine is from Asos and Shelby’s is from Nordstrom.  Now that I’m nearing the end of this pregnancy, I’m wearing more maternity pieces as they seem to be more forgiving.

I seriously cannot believe how big Annabelle has gotten ever since we left Charleston at the beginning of the month. It really seems like her vocabulary has exploded and she’s now mimicking almost every word we say! Her favorite things to say now are “ya” when we ask her something, “nay nay” when we visit the horses at a neighbors house (which she asks about multiple times a day), “more please” for food obviously;), “sit down”, and “please”/ “thank you”. It’s the cutest!

*Annabelle’s dress
I had such a good time and thanks to my supportive friends who could be there! <3

*This post was sponsored by Basic Invite. 

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  1. Oh my God! Loved these pictures so much and loved the full theme of the baby shower. I’m not even pregnant but can’t wait to celebrate mine. This one gave me so much inspiration.

    Hope you enjoy the rest of your time in California Hayley:)

  2. Lerence says:

    So cute!!! I had a baby shower tea party too but so wished we had had it at tea house! Annabelle is so adorable ☺️

  3. Tammi Vela says:

    Beautiful photos – you are so blessed. 🙂

  4. chethana chenreddy says:

    Hey, beautiful photos and great themed baby shower party. Adding on to it, you can also try these customized theme baby shower video invitations with photos and music and share amongst your friends and family. check here to personalize your invitation.

  5. Navin Todi says:

    Your Baby shower was awesome that I read your blog is excellent that how to write thanks for this blog.

  6. Mike Dowdle says:

    Really adorable. I must say this is so good of collections.

  7. Sayandeep Guha says:

    First-timer now.

    Lovely pictures, beautiful and adorable.

    Where did you buy all the decorations?

    I bought some at Any other recommendations?

  8. All photos beautiful and lovely.

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