I can’t believe we’re in 2016! I’ve dreamt of this time in my life ever since I was a little girl and it’s finally here! The year I get married, the year I live with my Fiancee/future Husband, the year I’m done with school, the year I start fulfilling my passions and dreams. I could go on and on. 2015 was truly an amazing year and one of the best I’ve experienced. I got engaged, moved away from my family and friends and in with my then boyfriend to Los Angeles, started my Youtube channel, graduated college. It’s insane how so much can change in a year. Today I wanted to share a few of my favorite posts throughout this past year and give a huge THANK YOU to all my readers who support me by coming to this space for inspiration! I have only had good experiences on this platform and can’t say enough about the people who come back for more (here and on my Youtube channel). I’m so eager to create more content in both places and have big plans for 2016! Cheers to the new year! xx
JOA Striped Skirt | Around The Home Updates | Sunset At Manhattan Beach | Pop of Color With Clinique | White Linen Summer Dress | Home Office | Watercolor | Healthy, Glowing Skin | Gallery Wall | Black & White | Banana Republic Cocktail Dress | Engagement Shoot | Fresh Faced With Aveeno
Wow,sounds like you quite some life-changing moments ahead of you
Crossing fingers that everything will be just as you imagined it
It probably won’t all go to plan, but that’s the best thing about life I guess!;)
2016 is going to be an amazing year for you girl!
Thanks Ashley!:)
Hope you have an even better 2016! -Maireem
My Fair Autumn | Instagram