

December 23, 2017

tell me more

I'm Hayley — helping moms do more in every aspect of their life. Mom of 3, entrepreneur, and homeschooler!

Meet Hayley

Let me first just say that I had such high hopes for these monthly sticker photos and it all blew up in my face when she realized that the stickers were fun to play with and couldn’t sit still! Ahhh the fascination of a baby. I cannot believe Annabelle is now 1 year old. It feels like such a milestone, yet I still see her as a tiny baby. My parents babysat her for the first time today (only for 2 hours;) and I was counting down the seconds until I could race home to be with her. We are so very attached to one another. We’ve never spent more than four hours apart and that was one time for a wedding. I knew I’d love my baby, but I didn’t know the yearning I’d feel for her once she was born. If she’s not around I feel incomplete. Like there’s a hole missing inside my chest. Everything in my life has become suddenly clear now. It’s almost as if I’d had a sudden epiphany about what life is truly all about. I look back at my old self and laugh. I don’t recognize myself without Annabelle. I can barely remember life without her. It’s such a strange feeling.

Doug looked at me today and said “It doesn’t even feel like you birthed her. It doesn’t feel like we’ve raised her all these months. I don’t know how we could get such a perfect human in our life that’s completely ours. It just feels like she appeared out of thin air.” I told him thats why people say babies are miracles. That’s exactly what they are. Happy 1st birthday my sweet baby. You have my whole heart.


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  1. Kirsty says:

    Happy 1st Birthday Annabelle! Xx

  2. Megan says:

    Happy 1st Birthday Annabelle!! This makes me so so excited for motherhood my baby girl is due on the 28th this month and I can’t wait, me and my husband are both so excited and nervous seeing how quickly little Annabelle has grown up has made us want to treasure every momement with our daughter they really do grow so fast! Thanks for sharing all sides of being a parent Hayley!! Hope you, Doug and Annabelle have an amazing Christmas!

  3. Paris Jerry says:

    Happy birthday Annabelle!

  4. LORI WEINRIB says:

    So beautifully written Hayley & Doug!! The depth of your love for Annabelle is beautiful!! You are just amazing parents- young-but so wise! Annabelle is one very lucky little girl- you are such a beautiful family! You are all very blessed!!! Happy Birthday beautiful Annabelle!! xo

  5. Miriana Lisanti says:

    OMG!!! So precious!!!♥️God Bless her and your cute little family!!! When is baby number two coming???

  6. Victoria says:

    So, so precious! I have a ten-month-old and it feels like the time is flying by! I’m not ready for him to grow up. I’ve had several people babysit him and it does feel like my right arm is missing, but I do appreciate the ‘alone time’. I’m a single mum, so I need it! Happy first birthday to Annabelle! She looks like a wee gem.

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