I don’t know about you, but as a working stay at home Mom it’s almost critical that my house is in order on a daily basis. As much as I don’t like to admit it, waking up to a messy living space makes doing any task feel that much more overwhelming as I have to spend an extra 20+ minutes cleaning before even starting the task! I made it a point to implement a few daily habits that would make keeping a tidy home easier and more manageable so I’m able to focus on achieving my goals as a working mom.
Besides having more time to pursue my passions, creating connections and lasting memories in my home matter most to me and by forming daily habits with products that make it easier to clean will help Doug and I enjoy the little moments that matter most.
A few ways I stay on top of cleanliness and organization throughout the week are…
- Set a timer after the kids go to bed for 20 minutes and do as much cleaning as possible. I don’t always set a timer, but sometimes when I’m tired from wrangling the babies and just want to go to sleep the timer reminds me that it only takes a few minutes to set my morning off right!
- Put all dishes in dishwasher
- Throw out trash
- Put back toys
- Put frozen meat in fridge for next day’s dinner
- Use cleaning products that make life easier. Full Circle offers a variety of sustainable and non-toxic household tools that are both functional and high quality. For the last few months I’ve been using their magnetic dish towel that is hung on my dishwasher making it easy to find and their glass cleaner and scrubber to wash dishes.
- Pack up leftover and prepare snacks for the next day’s outing. When I’m really on top of my Mom game, I’ll pack lunch and/or snacks for the next day’s park trip. Most days after breakfast we will go to the park, a play date, the library, or an indoor class and I always bring snacks! I store them in Full Circle’s Ziptucks, which are reusable snack bags that are perfect for on the go and come in a few different fun prints!
- Answer all work emails and text messages. I always make sure to clear my inboxes before the next day!
- Vacuum the main areas of our home. This is important to me because if I don’t crumbs pile up under the highchair and it gets messy fast! I mainly do the kitchen area and toy section as Annabelle eats in both of those areas.
- Set out our outfits the night before. This little step keeps the mornings less chaotic and it helps us get out of the door that much faster!
What do you guys do to keep a tidy home? Leave your sanity saving tips below!!
*This blog post is sponsored by Full Circle.
Setting out outfits the night before is a great idea!