After a rough week of the three of us being sick, we knew we needed to get out of the house and do some exploring! We had visited Sullivan’s Island back in June and fell in love. This beach is so different to those in California. It’s much more calming and better for walking as the sand is flatter so we took a quick drive across what seemed like endless marshlands and onto the island. It’s amazing how fast you can get to places when there isn’t any traffic! Star Printed Sweater c/o | Converse | Jeans | Doug’s Bomber Jacket (he wears DAILY!)
We always look forward to trying new restaurants on the weekends so after many suggestions, we tried Poe’s Tavern which is themed after Edgar Allen Poe. Doug got the most amazing burger with a fried egg and bacon on top and I opted for the Fish Chowder as I was still recovering from a cold;) Normally I’d get a big juicy burger!
I love how you can eat lunch or dinner outside on screened in porches here. So Southern! I know I say that a lot, but we are just in love with the Southern culture and the locals may or may not realize it, but there truly is a culture to this town that fits our personalities so well. We’ve both always felt we never fit in well in California. We’re not sure if it was because of the interests of the people living there or the fast paced lifestyles, but we love how laid back everyone is here and they are just SO nice!
^^Annabelle insists on standing on her own now! She’s getting to be such a big girl.
The people in Charleston truly are some of the kindest I’ve ever met in my life. I feel like a broken record, but it’s so true. Everywhere we go people of all ages are interested in our life and seem to always strike up a conversation. We chatted with the loveliest couple sitting next to us all about where they were from, how cute Annabelle is (of course), and they gave us suggestions on things to do in the area. That would have never happened back in LA. People always stayed to themselves and hardly ever engaged with each other. It’s so refreshing to be surrounded by such nice people! I don’t think I’ll ever get over it.
^^We need to buy bigger clothes for her! Her tops always seem to ride up lol. These pics were taken right on the beach and this day was so tranquil. There was hardly anyone on the beach and it felt as if we had the entire beach to ourselves.
^^Hating when I hold her hands, but she kept trying to eat the sand…
Pointing at birds of course!
Her not realizing she’s alone so we can snap a pic…
Crying for me to come get her! lol!
Awkward selfies that never turn out;)
We had such a fun day! Tomorrow we’re going to an Oyster Shucking event and I’m vlogging everything. I’ve missed vlogging and am going to try and do it more regularly! Thanks for following along! xx
I’m so happy you are really enjoying your new life!!! I know what you mean about the southern charm & friendly people. It will be wonderful for you & Doug to raise your family in that kind of community!! It really does look like the move is agreeing with all of you!! Enjoy!
So glad y’all are feeling better! I’ve always wanted to visit Charleston, and your blog posts make me want to even more. Can’t wait to read more about your adventures there!
So sweet! I’ve lived all over and Charleston is one of my favorite cities. I hope to live there one day. And I love Annabelle’s infatuation with birds! So cute 🙂
While I’ve been following you for a while, ( gosh, that sounds creepy…lol) this is the first time I’ve felt compelled to write.
As a fellow California (LA) refugee, I know exactly what you are talking about and how you feel. My husband I felt the exact same way and ended up in upper Michigan last year. While this isn’t necessarily our “forever” state, several of our top destinations are in the south for all of the reasons you mentioned in your post. We are lucky to have that here in Michigan but are looking forward to discovering the south later this year as it is more of a fit for us. The kind people, slower pace, less traffic, less people, gosh, list goes on! Hopefully having someone outside of your immediate circle who understands and supports your decision to leave California, not that you need it, only reaffirms that you made the right choice for your family. California will always be there; however, time won’t. Enjoy this stage and new adventure and know you are doing whats best for you.
I’m looking forward to discovering the Charleston area through your eyes as a kindred spirit.
God bless,
Rose V.