the hayley paige blog

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First, she examines the rattle… Then she grabs the rattle… Then she does everything in her might to gum the rattle while almost rolling off her chair! She loves Go Dog Go! What a ham! P.S. You know when one corner of your gel nail polish is coming up and you do everything in your […]

Life Is Good

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^^ She’s like please no more pictures Mom haha Skirt | Top (Similar here & here) | Necklace (Sold Out, Similar) | Dainty Necklace | Nail Polish | Annabelle’s Outfit (From a boutique, Similar) This weekend Annabelle and I are staying at my parent’s house while Doug goes to his friend’s wedding up north and we’re already having the […]



Dear Annabelle Rose, Being your mother has already changed me in ways you’ll never know until you have a baby of your own one day. Each day is a dream and the love I feel for you is indescribable and sometimes seems unreal. My favorite time of the day is when you wake up in […]

Dear Annabelle…


Today I’m sharing my ooeygooey chocolate chip cookie recipe! Since I posted this recipe (aka the best cookies EVER), a ton of you guys have requested I post more dessert/cookie recipes so here we are! For those of you who don’t like oatmeal/peanut butter like in the last recipe, I wanted to post something a […]

^^I just had to post this one! Annabelle fell asleep while being rocked by my Mom outside after Easter was over. So cute! Doug, Annabelle, and I spent Easter this week at my parents house soaking up the beautiful sunshine, eating tons of good food (my parents never send us home on empty stomachs!), and with lots of […]



Hi Friends! Today I wanted to share the best version of banana bread with you guys! Seriously, adding sour cream to your banana bread is a total game changer and this one is to die for! Every time my bananas get a little to ripe to eat on their own I either make these muffins […]

Sour Cream Banana Bread (AKA The Best Ever!)


It’s no secret I’m excited for spring! I usually LOVE the rainy weather, but this year I’m ready for it to be sunny so we can take Annabelle outside more and show her the beach! The other reason I’m stoked for the upcoming warm weather is because wearing dresses and skirts are my absolute favorite. I’ve already […]

Being a Mom is so underrated! I know to other Moms that may sound silly, but I totally think it is. Before I had Annabelle I had no idea the kind of love and just plain obsession I’d have for another human being. You think you love your husband, dog, cat, or family and then […]



I remember when I first started watching Youtube I was obsessed with outfit of the day videos! I asked for recommendations on what types of blog posts you all wanted me to write a while back and this idea came up and I thought it was so cute! I want to try and do them […]

Our First Mother & Daughter OOTD


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